
Do you think different races have...?

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different strenghts and weaknesses? Yeah its not the 'poliotically correct' perspective, but is it true? For example I am white but think other races do some things better than whites on AVERAGE.




  1. Only when we can all be honest with ourselves!

  2. Yes.

    The worlds best marathon runners are Kalenjin tribe from Kenya, they produce 40% of the worlds top long distance runners, even though there aren't that many of them. Their muscles are subtly different, and they are adapted to high altitudes.

    The worlds top sprinters are of West African descent. Again the muscle structure is different, more designed for explosive bursts of raw power than slower and steady.

    The Jews and east Asians score better than average on IQ tests, even when their living conditions aren't that great compared to their neighbours.

    I really wouldn't want to be from India though, they have a ludicrously high rate of heart attacks. It's as much of a risk factor as smoking.

  3. I think that you are right on this one :)

  4. i agree. i'm not sure what the stats are, but look at professional sports. i feel like african american men are on average are better at some of them like basketball and football.

  5. No, not really.  The only reason for differences in race are the social and economic factors that hold some back from a good education, enough to eat, good medical care, etc.

  6. No such thing as race.PRoven from come time now.

    Nature vs. Nurture.

    We found that nurture wins.

  7. Yes, duh, if they are built dif on the outside, why not inside?  They might be able to build more muscles, and such to!

  8. Good morning! I see you have awaken from your dream.

    Of course different races have attributes based on their environment, cultural habits and such. It is not racist to believe or think that. It's a fact.

    We politicize it when we try to relate those differences to sports, political candidates and such. The belief that "everyone" is the same is rubbish. Who are the best bankers? Athletics? etc.

    Our differences are what makes this world beautiful.

  9. Yes, there are racial differences as you describe.  Research is rapidly revealing racial differences that were only suspected 20 years ago.  There have been several papers published recently about racial/genetic effects on intelligence.

  10. From a strict scientific viewpoint, human races do not exist. Genetically we are all very similar to each other. That is why biologists have not bothered to give different races different Latin names. Whether one is coloured, Asian or Caucasian makes no difference. In fact there is a greater genetic difference between you and your brother/sister (50%) than between a group (group size= c.30) of Europeans from the same town and a group of similar size from Africa, Asia, native American or Aboriginal (difference of c.15%).

    Nevertheless, certain traits do exist but these are specific. Thus Africans and people descended from African races are more likely to develop sickle cell anemia (this is genetic). Caucasians are more likely to develop Cystic Fibrosis and are more prone to Huntington's Disease. Tay Sachs Disease is more likely to develop in Jewish communities.  Asians are more likely to be affected by alcohol since a protein needed for alcohol metabolism is lacking in those communities.

    Some differences are even more localised. Thus Glucose 6 Phosphate deficiency (G6PD) is generally found in the central Mediterranean (Malta and Sicily).

    One should note that the scale of modern immigration means that in the future, these differences will also be mimimized.

  11. I totally disagree with this

    it all depends on the way in which you are brought up in

    and the enviroment around you

    including mental , physical and financial stability

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