
Do you think differently of a person if they have acne?

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What do you think of people with acne? Do you treat them different?




  1. well i think a lot of people deal with things that make them less insecure and if someone doesn't realize this, they are beyond naive and who cares what they think.

    i don't have a terrible case but still get pimples every so often and i dont wear makeup so its just there and thats it...i know i feel self-conscious but i try to not let it get to me.  

  2. well i know i definitely wouldn't. Nobody's better than anyone! everyone should be treated equally. just try and be confident because acne can be treated and no matter what anyone says you are still you!

  3. I feel slightly sorry for them. I used to have bad acne until I used Accutane, and it change my skin completely.

    I want to go up to them and give them a big hug and tell them to try Accutane.  Because let's face it, you feel insecure when you have acne.

  4. Ive suffered mild acne in the last year, and i know what its like

    so no.

    Also i think everyone should apreciate its whats on the inside, not the outside :)

  5. Hi there,

    Absolutely not, it is hard enough for them as it is, if anything I feel so sorry for them.  But I treat them the same as anyone, just like I would like to be treated.

    It is what is in there heart that matters most, but yes some people are very cruel and make jokes or tease them, I had always been the big mouth that stuck up for people who were teased and taunted.  

    I can't fight my way out of a wet paper bag, but I wont stand by and let people be hurt, just for the sake of someones entertainment.

    We were always taught as kids to treat everyone with respect, regardless of there background, religion, race, or wealth.

    And I have been the same with my children today.  Life is too short not to enjoy it, and everyone has the right to feel safe and loved.

    I know I have gone on a bit, sorry but I hate to think of anyone being hurt by the way they look.  It makes me so sad.

    Good Question, I hope I have helped, and I hope you dont get any cruel replies.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Minny :-)

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