
Do you think discrimination based on weight is generally accepted, and practiced, in our society? ?

by  |  earlier

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It seems we've worked hard to make progress in discrimination against race, age, $exual orientation, etc. But do you think weight is still an accepted area of discrimination?




  1. big discrimination on weight.  

  2. I agree!  And disabilities and language too

  3. It truly is.

  4. yes, I think so...

  5. no i dont sorry

  6. yes big time ( no pun intended) some individuals are just repulsed by fat people and i know employers who will not hire fat people because they think they are too lazy or that they would ruin the image of their company or they are afraid that they might lose costumers  

  7. Discrimination is d**n near accepted (socially) no matter what kind it is - racial, sexual, age, orientation, size, etc. Legally it's not acceptable (in school, on the job, etc.) but it still happens.

  8. I believe weight discrimination is accepted and practised mainly because it is (in most cases) a choice which we can control, for example a person may not choose their race, nor their age, and sexual orientation is a little cloudy but many people feel they have no choice over it. Yet weight is controlled almost entirely by our lifestyle, we choose to eat and not exercise, and although their is a "Fat Gene", it does not destine us to be fat, it simply forces us to put in more effort to stay healthy.

    So in conclusion i would say that weight discrimination is acceptable as it is because it is a choice we make, and is our fault no one else's.

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