
Do you think diversity is important on college campuses? If so, why? If not, why not?

by Guest45264  |  earlier

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Do you think diversity is important on college campuses? If so, why? If not, why not?




  1. I dont know,

    i never look too busy studying

    and a recommend the same too

  2. I think it's good in general. I think one of the worst things is to be closed minded. There is no real way you can learn that without being surrounded by the same people all the time. Diversity helps people develop into better people.

  3. I think it's important.  Right now, the statistics show whites are getting the best educations and best jobs, and that trend hasn't changed for a long time.  Statistics also show that the hispanic and black populations are increasing far, far faster than whites.  To the point that whites will be the minority by the 2040's.  If something isn't done to level the field, the US will be just like South Africa.  Everybodies black, but all the good jobs are held by whites.  It's a big problem down there.

  4. I think, in general, a diverse student body and curriculum are beneficial, but not a requirement for college campi.  You can see where universities tend to be very homogeneous, focusing on one field of study (engineering) or trying to make the school open to only one race (Brown University).  These schools excel at what they tailor their standards to, regardless of their lack of diversity.  

    But you have to remember, you are at school for YOURSELF, for your future, not anyone else.  So the different types of fraternities and sororities, students groups, etc are just icing on the cake, not the real reason for going to school.

    I think what is essential is diversity within your field of study.  For example, I am working on my master's in sociology.  There are only 3 main professors that teach this field, and two of these profs come from the same theoretical school of thought about sociology,  This makes the department rather lop-sided, I would prefer a more diverse pool of professors to choose from so I get a more balanced theoretical perspective.

  5. I do because at college everyone comes from all over the place. And more often than not when you're at high school you are in a town that you've know all your life and people you've always known. So when you go into an environment where there are different people you can see another person's point of view of the world You can begin to see how your life can connect to another life. I think it is interesting to see how another culture lives and how my life and what i've known is different than someone elses. Its an eye opener and i feel it prepares you for life....when you go into the workforce. When you eventually go to work, your work place will most likely be filled with all sorts of people and you have to learn to get along. I think diversity teaches acceptance of everyone and is a good thing.

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