
Do you think doctors can make mistakes like this?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor and they told me they thing im havin a miscarriage cause they couldnt find the baby. Then I went back and they said i was 6 weeks and they heard the babys heart beat. 4 weeks later when i went they said the baby is only 7 weeks and no heart beat and its been dead for 3 weeks. Its been two weeks and Im not bleeding, spotting, Or cramping. I have morning sickness and im still tired which started a week after the baby died. Do you thing the doctor couldve made a mistake?




  1. It sounds like you have been on a roller coaster ride.

    Go get a second opinion.  I hope you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Take care of yourself.  Good Luck.

  2. Yes doctors make mistakes all the time! They might have mistake your heart beat for the babys or maybe they just couldnt hear it. I would go to another doctor cause its sounds like your fine.Just pray that everything will be ok! God is the only one who can fix all problems. If the baby doesnt have a heart beat god can give it one. It will be fine. If it is a miscarriage just try agian cause everything happens for a reason.

  3. Honestly it is hard to tell get a second opinion.  I had a friend who was pregnant with her 3rd child.  Her first was a normal delivery her second she miscarried.  She started bleeding really bad at 8 weeks so she went into the ER and she just knew she lost the baby.  Once there they could hear the heart beat so they put her on bed rest and sent her home.  She stopped bleeding for about a week then again and this time she actually seen the remainders of the baby went back to the ER and they still could hear a heartbeat. They sent her to a specialist.  She ended up having a beautiful baby boy about 2 weeks early.  She was actually pregnant with twins and only lost one which is a miracle.

  4. Doctors are not infallible.

    My  wife had a miscarriage years ago.  This was between our first and second child.  She had a massive discharge.  The doctor did diagnosed her correctly when she was pregnant and that she did have the miscarriage.

    My daughter just a few ago went through the same.

    In the case of any medical problem,  if you don't think you are getting the right information, seek out another opinion.  Bad medicine has happened to me before.  I always view that the doctor is part of MY health team.  I have basicaly "fired" the bad ones.

    God bless.

  5. Let me first say I'm terribly sorry for what you have been going through. I can't imagine. First, you need need to have an ultrasound to confirm the doctor's findings. If this has not been done, I would definitely question your doctor's diagnosis and seek another physician immediately. Second, if it has been confirmed that your baby is deceased, some women opt to have a miscarriage induced with medication in the hospital, while others decide to wait-it-out and allow it to occur naturally. What you do is entirely up to you and what you and your doctor are comfortable with. But, what it sound like to me, is that you need confirmation of the status of the baby first. And, it looks like you may only get that by seeing another physician. If this is not an option, please go to the emergency room. They will be able to do an ultrasound there. Best of luck to you and God bless.

  6. If I were you, I'd go see another doctor because this one doesn't seem to be able to make up their mind.

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