
Do you think dose this shoe looks nice?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to purchase it. do you like it? and do u find it looks nice?





  1. its not somthing i would wear but if you like them get them

  2. They Are Hideous

  3. they wont show it..........

  4. how weird.

    what an IRREGULAR CHOICE!!

  5. These shoes are brilliant and powerful. Powerful meaning with the wrong outfit they could totally ruin your look. They would look awesome with the right one though! It&#039;s worth it.

  6. ewww yuck and horrible

  7. I can Imagine they look good on, I don&#039;t think the pic does them justice. I think they are cute and really different, they&#039;re the kind of shoes you have to love and be confident to wear because not everyone will like them. I however love them, I bet they would go really well with blue jeans.  

  8. it doesn&#039;t show them, sorry.

    but i&#039;m sure if you like them, you should wear them  

  9. personally It&#039;s not my style. But if you like the shoes, go for it! No one should tell you what to wear.

  10. those are the ugliest shoes i think i&#039;ve evr seen in my entire life. but if u like them, its not my choice ;]

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