
Do you think dreams can reflect a loss of sanity?

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Do you think dreams can reflect a loss of sanity?




  1. ........ NO

  2. Dreams are the ramdom firing of symapses ithe brain when you are resting.  That happens when the brain is sorting out information about the day and filing what to keep and what to forget.  During this crucial time, ideas converge and fuse together creating previously un-thought of solutions.  But it also creates dreaming.  So, dreaming is not a loss of sanity, it is a normal brain function.

  3. perhaps. actually did you know when you dream you are  tripping out on DMT, a naturally occurring chemical in the brain that causes hallucinations. so i actually doubt it can reflect a loss of sanity, dreams keep you sane, if we couldnt dream we would die.

  4. Yes.

    For example:  If a person's been dreaming about swimming, running, what happened at work or school, that's typical of some kinds of dreams.  If the person begins to dream about destroying other people, and enjoying it, and/or not caring about how others feel, that could reflect a psychopathology, e.g. sociopathy.

    Another example:  if a person's been dreaming about going to a park, having a picnic, returning home, and other such well-organized dreams, then begins dreaming in very chaotic, jumbled sequences, that may indicate less organization, from what has been the norm for them.

    What happens in dreams ought stay in dreams, in these dysfunctional types of dreams.  If the dreaming conscious, which becomes the waking subconscious, is so troubling, then calling e.g. 1-800-525-LOVE 24-7 and 1-800-232-6459 business hours (ask for Counseling dept.) would be well.

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,

    "Dreams," Barrick, Ph.D.,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Kharitidi, M.D.,

  5. No people just have all kinds of different of dreams, you have millions of them every night but you only remember some of them

  6. interesting!  I don't think they can definately reflect "a loss of sanity" - an MD needs waking concrete symptoms; but some dreams may indicate that the person is "disturbed "or has issues

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