
Do you think driving less or driving smarter can reduce gas prices?

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Reports show that Americans are driving lesser or smarter - doing more errands on one route. This is bringing down consumption levels of Gasoline and prices may not reach $4.20 as analysts predicted. In the first place, we have to blame analysts for predicting such price increases, which give Oil Barons a legitimate reason to hike up prices. But Americans are feeling the pinch and are shutting down their driving reducing demand for Oil. Your comments on this would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. The oil boys are running the show, and they want all the money they can get. No matter what you or I do, the oil boys have an answer that will always benefit them.

  2. I think a little of both but if you drive smarter that would make you drive less

  3. It's a vicious cycle.  If we drive less to bring down prices, and we are successful, then gas will be cheaper, and most people will go back to their old wasteful ways.

    The only thing that will bring down the price of gas is a major shift in our transportation model, forced by fuel prices that are way higher than $4.00.  Say, $10.00 - $15.00.


    -Then corporations whose daily operations involve a lot of local driving replace their internal combustion fleets with electric vehicles that fill that need.

    -Then someone will invent a quick-change battery pack for personal electric vehicles, and set up exchange stations as common as gas stations, where they charge up your old battery pack (on solar power?) to sell to someone else while you take the one someone exchanged hours ago that has been charging all that time.

    -Then someone will introduce a public transportation system so luxurious (with individual compartments) that people finally lose their fear that they'll end up sitting next to a serial killer (or just a laborer with B.O.).

    -Then cities will re-plan neighborhoods so that you can walk back from a local store before your ice cream melts.

    This will all happen when gas becomes so expensive that corporations will wake up and see they either improve efficiency and conserve energy, or go out of business because they can't afford to stay in business.

    Pray it happens seamlessly, or there will be chaos, and war over the remaining reserves.

  4. Using less gas would give them a real reason to raise prices, driving more would make them see more profit at even higher prices. The advantage of smart driving is reducing the amount of fuel you use and emissions you produce. The only real solution is to get some alternatives.

    Note alternatives, not alternative. Multiple alternatives provide for competition and lower prices (because capitalism really works if it is real capitalism).

  5. closing the world down on sundays ,

  6. I drive less, and sometimes I use public transportation since I work for a public transportation company I try the system sometimes, and it works its just that I hate to miss a bus and then I get home 30 minutes later.

  7. Yes, of course, it can. When we make concerted efforts to do something, we will get results if we stick to it. Even if you do have tons of money, you still should be a wise consumer and do what is right for our enviornment and be mindful of greed of big oil. Wealthy people have the means to effect change and it is their responsibility to give in that direction.

    What clearly needs to be addressed is that many Americans have their egos and self-esteem all tied up into that big shiny V8 SUV or pickup sitting in the front yard.  Sadly many people feel their value and importance lies in what kind of vehicle they drive. Of course, the auto industry with its marketing and advertising has been largely responsible for driving this false belief and value system home to the consumer.

    This is why you still see people out in their big V8 SUVs and pickups all reved up and still exceeding the speed limits all over America.  It really irks me when I am out on my bicycle trying to enjoy a beautiful day and these huge gas guzzlers come along rev it up when they see a non-gas consuming, self-propelled bicycle.  The color green is still not popular in many circles, sadly.

  8. it won't reduce gas prices but it will slow the increase and help save you money

  9. for sure! the less gas we use, the less gas is sold. Supply and demand, if people aren't demanding as much then the companies supply will increase and they will need to lower the prices! Drive as little as possible.

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