
Do you think dropping out of high school at 16 years of age is irresponsible no matter the circumstances?

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Just curious for different opinions as people on here have been telling me to go back.




  1. Yes

  2. i do think so, but i am obsessed with school and know the only way i'll make anything of my life is to go to college. but it doesn't really matter what we think,

    you did it for a reason, yeah?

    and will you be happy without the diploma and chances?

    but don't forget, it's never too late to go back, unless your dead but... duh


    well it sounds like your doin fine, your future is set and of course you don't need a college education to be a parent or have a good life, so yeah, just keep on track

    and like i said, never too late to go back.

    and i don't really know what a GED is, but it is the equivalent of a diploma, and some people may look down on it.

  3. sounds like you have a direction so i think you should go for it. if you dont need to stay at school to do that you want then i cant see why you should stay. i left school at 17 and i am now a early childhood teacher. society wants you to think you will not have a life if you leave school but this is totally untrue. you have what many do not - direction. thats the thing that will help you succeed, not a certificate for something unrelated to your career goal. good luck!

  4. no, i'd say it depends on the circumstances.

    there was one kid in my grade [going to be a senior] who was a total genius, but he dropped out because he knew that school wasn't his thing. he came from a rich family, and they said if he dropped out, he was going to get cut off and kicked out of the house. he did it anyways, and i've seen him biking around town and over at his cousins, but he's doing alright.

    you can always get your GED as well.

    i also have a shift manager who never finished high school, and she makes enough money to live on and party with!

  5. No, I can't say it's irresponsible no matter the circumstances, because I don't know all the circumstances!  It sounds like you have a plan.  I think it's probably best to go get your GED before you get too much older, then that'll be done and out of the way.

    Good Luck to you!

  6. Yes, it is really irresponsible. You will not be able to get a job anywhere with out a GED, not even as a trash collector or custodian.

    You will be looked down upon and also will miss out on the drama of high school!

    Even actors, actresses, and athletes who drop out because they already have a career still go and get their GED so that they will not be looked down upon and have more career opportunities.

    Teens who get pregnant go to special schools that will give them special help and any school will give you help with any of your problems as long as you ask!

    I hope you go back to school!

    Good luck! :)

  7. No 'cause I did the same thing. Sounds like you have a decent career path chosen AND a good fall back plan, which is important. Ignore the people telling you what to do with your own life and only listen to the people who actually answer the actual question! lol

  8. No I don't think it is no matter the circumstances.  If your going to get your GED and you have a job and your going to go to college then great,  some kids don't need all the years in school that they go anyways.

  9. Pretty much. The fact is educated people, on average make more than those that drop out. You should really try to make the most of your life and your starting with a handicap if you don't finish school and go to college.

    If you don't have higher aspirations than being a shift manager then don't bother. If you every want to have a family of your own, definitely go back to school.

    Chances are, the opinions above me that don't think it is irresponsible are still in high school or drop outs themselves.

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