
Do you think ending the war in iraq would help out the U.S.?

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  1. Yes.

    The US has spent more money (adjusted for inflation) on Iraq than it did in WW2. And, we're not going to have a "post war boom" like we had after WW2. Other countries still have their infrastructure and manufacturing capability, unlike 1945.

    We didn't get "oil" out of Iraq, as one of the reasons we went there stated. The US is hated by most of the world now. Yet, if we pull out of Iraq, it will no doubt turn into a civil war, possibly spilling to its neighbors, and the US will then get the blame for that.

  2. Yes. Because it would stop these numbers from growing.

    Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,141

    Cost of U.S. War and Occupation of Iraq $545,074,326,036

  3. Here's the problem, if there were no american casualties in Iraq, I think alot of americans would say thet there is no just cause for going to war......wait a minute...... we were saying that ! then Bush fabricated a story on WMD's for the reason for invading, but then we learn the truth, and even that doesnt matter anymore, because now troops have been killed, and therefore there is now justification.

    all I can say is, its a sick world we live in, and were all a bunch of sheep and canon fodder according to henry kissinger.

  4. financialy yes,

    cuz you end the costly war and spend the money at home,

    but i donnu whats gonna happen in iraq afterwards!

  5. Well, for one, we're spending billions of dollars for no apparent reason.  If we went there for oil, well, that didn't work.

    Starting this incredibly stupid war has also hurt the image of the US across the globe.

  6. Depends on the terms it ends on, of course.

    If it ends with an unstable Iraq that could easily fall into extremists' hands, and possibly upset the whole region, leading to war or safe havens for int'l terrorist groups or unchecked nuclear proliferation or increased threats to Israel's existence, the answer's no.

  7. Absolutely not, and there will be no completel withdrawal even if Barack Obama becomes presiden He's a politician, his job is to get your vote. That's reality.

    My rationale is such:

    - Iraq contains substantial oil reserves; leaving would endanger these supplies and cause oil to shoot upwards of $ 200  per barrel, easily. So don't say that Iraq can't follow us back home. The geopolitical/economic fallout would be unimaginable, and the indirect costs would run into the tens of trillions over 20 years per-say.

    - The operation in Iraq is finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel, with the reintegration of major ethnic groups commencing and criminals/strong-man groups becoming marginalized. Simply put, Muqtada Al-Sadr cannot provide security, economic opportunities, education, basic infrastructural services, utilities, etc to all the people of Iraq. The Government can with our help

    - Leave Iraq and you forfeit the sacrafice of our men and women, treasury, and moral imperitive. Iraq is blown out of proportion by the media -- has been, is, and will continue to be.  I recommend visiting a legitimate defense site such as MNF-IRAQ.COM or DEFENSELINK.MIL for daily updates. (These are not propaganda sites, casualty reports are available, though rare nowadays :)  )

    -Lastly, withdrawaing hastily will embolden radical islamist terrorist groups, create genocide in Iraq, and be a complete defeat for America. We must not worry about what the Europeans think of us, we must focus on our mission at hand and that is helping Iraq back onto its feet. It is EXTREMELY irresponsible, for the greatest nation on Earth, to invade and simply retreat after 3 less-than-satisfactory years. Now we've begun to turn the tide.

    -Spending on reconstruction/combat operations in Iraq has held steady at ~3.7% of U.S. GDP. In Vietnam, it was 9%. Korea, 15%. Although 600 Billion seems like a large number, the juggernaut U.S. economy will not be stopped by this minor cost. Not to sound like a jerk, but in the end this is a game of numbers. Our leaders do not make decisions based upon emotions or semtiment. They are precise, focused, and intelligent. Dispicable, how the popular TV shows and media syndicates parade our statesmen as idiots.

    We are winning in Iraq, and in 15-20 years' time, the country most definitely has the potential to be prosperous. With their enormous oil reserves (and, as a result, revenues), Iraq has the ability to become one of the wealthiest, most powerful nations in the Middle East. To compare this to an investment, say you purchase some shares of APPLE, and 5 days into your investment the value declines. That is no reason to dump it.

    Iraq will continue to award U.S. corporations lucrative, no-bid contracts. From weapons shipments to energy deals, Iraq will benefit America in the long-run as a strategic ally and business partner so long as security continues to provide room for basic services to be restored. The Iraq people will not see their government as legitimate unless their government can be given a good 5-10 years' time to reconcile the ethnic groups and continue to oversee reconstruction.

    Listen, most of the world does NOT hate America. You go to Poland, France, England, South America, anywhere besides embattled Middle Eastern nations, and you will find that Americans are viewed favorably. Again, we should stick to the facts.

    Let us not worry about our image, especially among European countries. In WW2, we bombed the h**l out of Germany, then took on the 20 year journey to rebuild the country. Don't you think they hated us too? The world always loves a winner. Germany is now the third largest economy in the world and strong U.S. ally. Don't let the short-term faults made early in the occupation cloud your judgement- Iraq is a long-term venture and has the potential to be hugely profitable/beneficial to America. We can do this! I believe in our leaders.

    I really do not wish to play devil's advocate in this thread, although it certainly does seem that way. I am a recipient of an Honorable Mention in the American Foreign Service Association's National essay contest. My THESIS was regarding the ongoing process of reconstruction/reintegration within Iraq and between it's neighbors. Please consider my opinion with LEGITIMACY. (

    The sad truth is, there will always be killing and there will always be war. There cannot be peace without war. Iraq is winnable, but it will take time. There is simply no way America will pack up its bags and leave Iraq and forsake it's well-established, massive sphere of influence in the Middle East.

  8. no, but it would help Iran a great deal.

  9. Well, it goes 2 different ways. Yes because our troops will be home. Plus with the troops gone we are more vonerable to attack. But no because all the people who died or suffered in the war would have done that for nothing because the Iraqis would start fighting again. I just don't know but I REALLY want it to stop.

  10. well.the us image in the middle east is very bad so if the us end the war or not she always  will have Blake image every where(we all know the reason for this war (oil) not help the Iraqi people)  

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