
Do you think enough is being done to stop global warming?

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Do you think enough is being done to stop global warming?




  1. no, but then again its a gradual process. we now have the capability to be almost totally independent of oil (foriegn oil!) and 3/4 less co2 emisions. its just the process of converting over, as we WILL do, is taking a bit long because, well, not enough people seem to care at least here in the u.s to get things done any faster.

  2. ummm. no one should worry about global warming.

    if its gonna happen, God intended it to.  As if our little efforts could control what the world is coming to?

    stupid Al Gore, in his stupid jet plane, that uses more fuel and pollutes more than anything else. why doesnt he bike if hes so noble to propose global warming? idiot.

  3. follow the money ....

    this Global Warming movement is purely political.  the world's weather patterns are cyclic and there is nothing we can do to speed up or slow down the cycles.  

    to think that man can control the weather is pretty arrogant, if you ask me.  

    some of the scientists behind this whole Global Warming thing were actually warning of an impending Ice Age back in the 80s -- they just swing their "science" whichever direction the money is coming from.  look it up - you'll see.

  4. No, we need to freeze time, make a 1 million square mile sheet to block the sun, hook up freezers world wide and then hunt man bear pig.

  5. No way !!!

  6. To much has been done already, I can`t handle any more snow

  7. no. I think that everyone should pich in to make global warming stop

  8. no, not enough people have a direct lifestyle impact to see what is actually happening, when they do see it it will be to late.  The government should step in and make some laws, in all countries!!!

  9. No...  Too much is being done.

  10. The climate has been changing since Earths beginning.  What makes anyone think that the temperature of today is the "correct" temperature.  Who caused the last Ice age?  I'm kind of glad that the mile thick glaciers don't reach all the way to the Ohio River today as they once did.  The environment will change whether you give Al Gore all your money or not.

  11. No, but probably because global warming is still theory, not fact. Many scientists go against the belief of global warming, saying it's just a natural process and humans have nothing to do with the changes that are happening. To me, I think it's a little bit of both. Either way, China is the leading country contributing to it, and they won't cooperate with the U.S. to change their ways.

  12. No.

  13. nNO NO NO! we nnnneeeeeeed to do more! check out:

  14. no, something catastrophic will have to happen to really see change.

  15. I think we definitely need to promote global warming more.

  16. Heck no.  Kyoto-style protocols are entirely misguided and ineffective.  We'll all need to reform our goal and ideals, or we'll all crash and burn.

    Our entire infrastructure is dysfunctional, and "developing" countries are copying the patterns (mistakes) of the "developed" countries as fast as they possibly can, building larger detached houses and roads and freeways that assume that oil will be cheap and that people will commute to a job producing irrelevant consumer junk that can be shipped globally to more suburbanites.  Coal power plants are being built a breakneck speed to support all this "progress".  It's all going to come crashing down as oil prices, then food prices, skyrocket.

    Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society

    Picking a few developed countries as scapegoats may feel good to some people, but ignoring the fundamental nature of the way cities are being expanded or rebuilt, particularly in the developing countries, will only hasten our mutual downfall.

    If we were approaching this issue in a rational way we wouldn't allow developing countries to adopt the same damaging lifestyle and "cheap oil" infrastructure that we now know has proven so damaging.  In fact, stopping the areas of maximum growth would be one of our top priorities.

  17. No. There's still alot of money behind keeping things the same.

  18. It was big news in 1988 and they decided on a 6% cut in emissions except the USA who didnt even like that duh!

    UK is full of cars running on diesel/petrol as has ever been.

    Well, too little by far and FAR too late!

  19. No I think every body most work for solving this problem because the earth is our home

  20. yes and no

  21. Too much is being done.  Right now we're doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff.

    Ethanol is touted as the cure for global warming, but it takes more gas to produce ethanol than if we just distilled a gallon of gas.

  22. The oil Co are doing a great job of taking all our money. They love GW.

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