
Do you think everything exists for a reason?

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Like bees exist for honey, but there are other things that I don't understand like why do we exist.




  1. not quite; everything HAPPENS for a reason.

  2. Like every speck of sand on the beach...we have a purpose, and we spend most of our time looking for it...but then where are we going to go anyway. Unless we shoot ourselves out into space somewhere, the basic particles, moisture and even the air that we breath has always been here, it has it's bees question their purpose? To live, and to share your joys, is the most fulfilling purpose of all. It's a shame most do not see it.....nor fulfill it. Namaste.

  3. yeah, we exist for a reason. We're supposed to be happy. It doesn't matter what religions you belong to, if any. Either by evolution or by divine power, we're here and we need to make the most of it.& try to live a happy life.

  4. Nothing exists for some future purpose (unless you believe in god). Everything exists as a result of the conditions and forces that existed before it. Bees dont make honey because having honey is a goal of the universe, they make  honey because doing so gradually came about through natural selection. Human beings have no "reason" to exist and very well may lead to the death of all life on earth, but the fact is we are here because being human is an effective mode of survival as evidenced through our dominance over all other species.

  5. Hey, everything does exist for a reason, to be happy!

    Your example of bees is perfect, take another look at them, they want to be happy too, they collect nectar for their honey and they build hives for all the bees in their collective, improve it. and they get eaten by other creatures for food. So when a bee is living according to it's own nature by doing these things it becomes happy.

    But there is a more important aspect to it also, by doing all these thing to make it happy it is also pollinating flowers, helping it's fellow bees thrive by building the hive, making honey, looking after its young and helping others by it's honey or even dying itself for food. So not only is the bee happy but the whole world around the bee becomes more diverse and enhanced by the bees and it's products, like more flowers and bees and other creatures who eat bees.

    So the reason we exist to become happy in order to do this we must "live life in accordance with nature and Virtue" and by doing this we help to make the world a more beautiful and dynamic place to live! that is the meaning of life :) life is all about diversity and creating unique beautiful objects, the universe has been doing this since the big bang, and now we do it too. I hope this helps you :)

  6. We exist because of evolution.  Mother Earth, herself, gave life to us, so to speak.  We balance out the ecosystem.  All in all, we are animals - just the most intelligent of them all.

  7. Yes, everything exists for a reason. For instance, think of the self “as vessel,”  a vessel hollow enough to contain our present conception of the physical universe…hollow enough to be concerned with the Good, the True, and the Beautiful…hollow enough to hold both the meaning and purpose of life and existence…and, hollow enough to feel hurt, love, and divinity--and then think of everything as  being connected, and that thought tells you that everything exists for a reason.

  8. On a whole, no.  There is no reason for us to exist.  We are products of a natural process of evolution.  We serve our purpose in the ecosystem and everything, but there is no grand reason that ties us together.  For each person the answer will change.  One guy could say that he exists to eat ice cream.  One girl could say that she exists to help people.  But as for a reasoning that can be fit to all of us I'd have to say no.

  9. Well I'm sure everything exists for a reason even if that reason is as simple as being here, or existing.

  10. Bee's do not exist for honey.  Bee's exist and they happen to make honey.

    As a matter of fact... that's my whole answer.

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