
Do you think everything through? ?

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...or do you just act and suffer the consequences?




  1. If I'm in my right mind I think things through. If I'm really angry I do things on the spur of the moment and have to suffer the consequences. I must admit that some times the consequences aren't too pleasant to deal with.But I am working on my temper and trying to think before I jump.  It's really hard at times though, I can tell you.

  2. I ponder the options and then act.

  3. I use to be really impulsive when I was younger but I have learned from my mistakes. I'm pretty good at thinking everything through. After all "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

  4. God gave man a brain and a p*nis, but not enough blood flow to operate both at the same time,,,,,so,,so much for that.

  5. I tend to dwell on "things" for quite some time before taking action - and I am an avid list maker - this keeps all my options on paper and in front of me - I have never lived on a wing and prayer - how could you ever get anything accomplished that way?  

    Good Q.   Have a star!            CJ

  6. I've learned to weigh the pros and cons for important decisions in my life.....things turn out a lot better when I do that.

    Little things.....I just let happen whatever happens.

  7. Sometimes I think too much and end up missing out on opportunities.  I wish that I could be more spontaneous.

  8. I think everything through to the point where it just can't be beaten into the ground any further.  It's tiring, but it has also saved me a lot of bigger problems in the long run.

  9. Not always but I try to. Sometimes I do over re-act to  something and when I calm down find it was not that important and I got upset over nothing. My poor long-suffering hubby tries to stay calm even when I am not.Then he tries to explain and after all the ranting and raving I did, I don't want to hear it. I have a headache and need to lie down.

    So hubby withdraws and I go upstairs.    Poppy

  10. Generally I think things through. Being a guy, I don't fiddle around deciding decisions.  

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