
Do you think ex-prime minister Howard copied the style of George Bush when he was still in power?

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I know he did much for Australia economically but was joining Bush's war in Iraq worth it for Australians, in retrospect?




  1. when your in power ANYWHERE, you copy the style of GWB, cause HE says so....otherwise your OUT.

  2. I disagree with most of the previous answers, John Howard always followed his principles and stuck to them, even if it was unpopular. I think he did it because he genuinely thought it was the right thing to do for both Australia and Iraq, and most of the public thought so too at the time. In hindsight of course perhaps it wasn't such a good idea and it certainly could have been handled much better.

  3. I reckon he listened to George Bush too much but that is good in some ways as Australia can seek help from the US easily if it's needed.

    I agree with the others, he's like a puppet.

  4. I feel sorry for the man. Never liked him but he did his best I guess. I agree he appeared to be a puppet on a string, but he wasn't the only one.Never agreed with the war I think nations should be left to settle there own problems (Excluding the disasters going on in Africa) but no one will help them as the dont have oil.

  5. america is our biggest allie... we help them then they help us when we need it! so im quite happy that we went to iraq

  6. I believe John Howard wanted to impress George Bush, that is why he made all those ridicious decisions (which he says were in the best interests for Australia).

    He is just George Bush's puppet and would have done anything to get into George Bush's good books. Talk about a major *** l****r

  7. Howard's foreign policy was based on the belief that, if Australia was under serious threat, we would need the help of a greater power, and they don't come any greater than the US.  He believed that we had to buy that potential protection by supporting the US whenever asked.  The theory is not unique to Howard, and has been a strong theme through all of Australia's post WW 2 foreign policy. What was Australia doing in Vietnam?

    Unfortunately I think the policy is flawed.  The US has often said that it does not have allies - it has interests. I can see a scenario where the US is forced to choose between supporting Australia against Indonesia or staying neutral.  The fact that Indonesia controls naval access from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean would be a strong imperative for staying neutral.  

    If I recall correctly, the US was at best a reluctant and lukewarm supporter of Australia's intervention in East Timor.  That is an example of the way the US could choose if it came to a choice between Australia or neutrality.

  8. Of course. Aussie is just a cheap imitation of USA

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