
Do you think facebook is a threat to the future of normal Egyptian society?

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Are people encouraged to be narcissists on face book?

The display of pictures and actions is very selfish and self promoting

e.g. Jannah is eating.

Jannah is going to the mall.

Isnt this bizarre?! Why do people think everyone else needs to know so much information?!

Whatever happened to discretion and interacting with people face to face?

Are cyber interactions and friendships weird?

Most of our young people are interacting on face book.

Is it the end of the world as we know it?!?




  1. before asking this,,you must know how many peoples on egypt own a set and can use it make a comparison between this two no an you can know answer ,,,,we need more ,more learning,for all society

  2. i think Face book is a great site to connecting ppl  

    as we in my college are making a group for us sharing our fotos and news and it is a great way to keep in touch with ur friends

    but i don't like it when it became a way to spread personal stuff

  3. personal things as lord k said,shouldn't be spread around,facebook is good to talk to friends and keep in touch with out using the cost of money in it..

    but myself i dont put"iman is home,or iman is going to the mall" thats too personal and i don't really do that i just put quotes,because they inspire me

    like right now i have this as my status:Masha'Allahu Kan wa Ma lam Yasha' Lam Yakun

    things like that is what i put.

  4. No one is forced to enter any site that they dont want 2. Stay away if u dont like it thats whot i say.

    My personal opinion is that its juvenile c**p n the older members are sad lonely mis fits , there u go thats whot i think of it

  5. Some people have Facebook for very stupid reasons, like you just mentioned, I rarely use it, and thats because my only reason is to stay connected, and network. Finding people in Facebook its pretty easy, I think thats the cool thing about it.  

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