
Do you think fat animals are cute or sad?

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I like chubby animals, definately not obese. I have a jack russell who is quite...beefy. She is very very active tho, so I think alot of the chub is muscle.




  1. LOL, it really depends.

    Some are cute, some are just sad.

    Like cats- fat cats are just pathetic and depressing looking.

    But fat things like, chinchillas, or small dogs - are soooo cute!

    Unless it's an UNHEALTHY fat. Then it's gross and sad.

  2. Secretly, I die on the inside from the adorable cuteness. A weakness of mine is fat cats, but any other squishy animal is just as painfully cute!

    But seriously, it is a terrible condition for animals, including people, to live under. It is a shame that owners do not try harder to keep their animals on a proper diet. Many either free feed, or feed really cheap grocery store brand food. But it isn't like animal abuse. All fat animals are always well loved in their families, just maybe not fully understood. Sure it isn't the perfect pet ownership, but at least they aren't starving like other animals around the world! I mean, common! We have pet overpopulation, fur trade, meat industry... This is such a minor issue.

  3. i truly think its sad when an owner over feeds an animal. sure they are happy at the moment, but then it becomes very hard for the animal to move, and they will surely die at an early age, causing much grief to the owner who thought the best way to provide love to the animal was by letting it gorge itself to death. people should feed their pets responsibly for a happier healthier pet that will live much longer and eventually die away from natural causes. : )

  4. Fat animals- cute

    Fat people- sad

  5. naturally pudgy - cute

    fat due to neglect and/or bad owner - sad

  6. A little of both.

  7. I think chubby animals are cute but obese animals are sad because they could be unhealthy, and therefore get heart disease, ect.  Some of my favorite animals are sort of fat though, like hippos, manatees, and wombats.

  8. both-

    fat animals are cute if they have a little bit of extra pudge,

    but its sad if the owner purposely overfeeds them because thats just abuse.

  9. Well, as cute they may be, it is unhealthy for the little guys! :[

  10. Sad like people

  11. A little bit more to love is great by me as long as it's not negatively impacting their health.

  12. very very sad, like fat people.

  13. sad.

    it's unhealthy! poor thing

  14. i find fat animals attractive rrrior ♥♥♥

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