
Do you think females are more prone to jealousy than males?

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That would certainly seem to be the case from listening to male versus female conversations. But maybe guys just find it harder to admit to being jealous of someone. What do people think?




  1. How prone you are to jealousy does not show whether you are a male or female.  There are a few factors that contribute to a person ability to be jealous;

    1.  Society brought-up - the socio condition that individuals lived in can affect their judgement.  Ability to react after evaluating the situations may vary from one person to another.

    2.  Communication between the sexes - most hardest thing to be achieved in any relationship is to have a mutual and positive relationship.  This can only be achieved through active participation between partners.

  2. No.

  3. I'm willing to bet that men can get just as jealous.  Men are just too scared to show it as it might not be considered "manly".

  4. yes, and they're the ones who mostly act on it. Some guys just can't admit that they're jealous cuz it's all about the ego...

  5. Surely.... Guys are a tidi widi bit more jealous than girls... but the way they show it out conveys differently... so...:)

  6. No, it just depends on the person ur with

  7. well my bf is so jealous of me all the time  

  8. yes yes and yes

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