
Do you think feminist women are more open with their sexuality than traditional women?

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Please add some info about yourself as well.

1. Feminist/Traditionalist/Neither

2. s*x is before marriage? (Y/N)

3. Your Gender?





  1. Traditionalist

    Had s*x before marriage


  2. feminist


    yes, i had s*x before marriage

    no, i don't necessarily agree that feminists are more sexually open.

  3. Feminist, yes, female.

    I do think feminist women tend to be more liberal about s*x than traditional women; not just about whether or not to have it, but about HOW to have it. ;)

  4. I think they are but that is just my opinion, I don't know stats.

    I am a Traditional

    s*x should be saved until marriage

    I am a female

  5. With respect, may I offer that I think this question is impossible to we have been so often told - no two people are alike.  So, therefore, not two people within a movement could fall under a category such as you suggest.

    My first impression was influenced by the angry feminists I've met, and I would say that they are far too unhappy with men to be able to enjoy or be open about s*x - at least, heterosexual s*x.  But that is unfair, as I realize all feminists are not angry at men.

  6. I think people who use s*x toys or any other form of masturbation in lieu of physical contact with another human being are not openly sexually, their very closed and dysfunctional. Their mostly unhappy as well because something is missing from their lives.

  7. I think s*x fairies and snake charmers are pretty open minded.  

    Info - you know... ;-)

  8. I don't know, but I'd certainly be willing to find out.

    1.) Traditionalist

    2.) Absolutely

    3.) Male

    Okay, that was my smart-butt answer.  From personal experience, their position on feminism has not really been a factor one way or the other in the bed room.  Now I will say the path to the bed room can be very different, and usually much much quicker with feminists.

  9. I guarantee you they are more open. Before I married a traditional woman, I went out with alot of Feminist type. In my experience that was no comparison.

  10. I am. I couldn't say for everyone. It also depends on what you mean by "open with their sexuality"-- do you mean talking about it, or actual activity?

    Second-wave feminism was more or less hand-in-hand with the sexual liberation movement so they definitely drew on each other a lot.

    1. Feminist

    2. Would I have it, or have I had it? I plan on having s*x before marriage but am a (technical) virgin.

    3. Female

  11. I think confidence determines how open you are about your needs, rather than your ideology. The two are completely separate for me; I believe that gender roles are mainly biological, but that doesn't affect how well I can express my sexuality to my partner.

    I guess it might be different for me because I'm into D/s, so being traditional outside the bedroom is so closely linked to being sexually submissive. :)

    1. Traditionalist

    2. Still unsure of my stance on s*x before marriage...

    3. Female

  12. Cough it feminist or traditionalist who keep winning

    room ****?

    Think feminist would be more open....but it's from compare feminist I know to traditionalist I know.

    1. ummm

    2. yes but with someone you love

    3. female

    you knew this answer already.

  13. I'm a feminist. I did have s*x before marriage but now that I am married I wished I would have waited to share that first experience with him so I can't really say.  It would be hypocritical of me to say no.  Also, while I may wish that I would have waited I don't regret that I didn't.  I don't feel that I have to justify my sexual encounters in any way.  Women get a lot of c**p if they are seen as having to many s*x partners which of course is a double standard.  Some women have s*x because of the attention they get from men.  It makes them feel loved or whatever and I feel that those women have psychiatric issues and poor self esteem.  However, if a women makes a conscious decision to have s*x because that's what she wants to do she should not be classified as a ****.  s*x is pleasurable and women, just like men, have s*x for that reason.

    I'm a female and a super hardcore feminist.  I never used to be and I still have very traditional thoughts that are opposed to some feminist.  Like, for one, I believe that when women started to work it was the downfall of the American family.  A lot of people can't afford to live on a one family income so women must work.  And of course I love the fact that I have access to an education.  But I also feel that a family is better off overall if one parent can stay at home.

    So in answer to your question - if you mean open in the sense that they'll sleep with whoever my answer would be no.  But if you mean open in the sense that they are more comfortable with thier sexual experiences I would say yes.

  14. I am a Trational Feminist. I believe s*x should be saved until you are mature enough to deal( not to THINK you can deal) wether that be 18 at the youngest or when you are married. I come from a very traditional upbringing, but I am engaded and living with my fiance at 21. And lastly, I am female.

    Now the question: Yes and No, depending on the feminist in question. It is the MOVEMENT that is more open with sexuality.  I strongly believe that the NEW feminist movement is severly degrading. To tell a woman she has choices is simple common sense, but the new feminist movement has caused much more damage than good. Back when women were fighting for equal rights, the ability to vote and hold land, the world was at our feet. You could do anything a man could, although we already knew that. It's when the movement turned from EQUAL RIGHTS to SUPERIOR RIGHTS that the movement was corrupted. When they started to scream that "the man" was holding them back and being predjudice against their gender feminist destroyed everything that was gained.

    Look at where our girls are heading with their lives. Most of the younger ones(my own classmates included) believe that s*x is simply a pleasure/ happifying and to be indulged in freely without concequence. UNTRUE! How many teens are pregnant or have children at 16 years old? These girls are still children themselves and they are raising the future of our world! Personally, I'm terrified to see what will happen if women continue down this path we are so proudly treading.

    Morals seem to have gone out the window. Our families are crumbling because the women are "unhappy" therfore leaving their families and husbands to pursue full-time careers or that "constant happy feeling". Now, I'm not saying that it's wrong to have ambition, but when you get married it's not just about you. Ambition takes the very back seat. Accept it or not, when you get married and have children it's a community thing. How do you know that the child you have bore and raised will not be the leader of this country and/or affect the lives and livelyhood of millions!? I know I want to be d**n sure my child will be a benifit to the world.

    Women have the greatest control in the universe. WE ARE THE CHILD BEARERS! Every decision that is made by women in general WILL effect the world. For example, the increase of p**n. Women on screen in veiw of millions, degrading and sexifying our world. If women were to close their d**n legs and stop pursueing "constant happiness" this world would be much healtier, kinder, more effective. Why not put this power we were give by the grace of our gender and the strengh of our spirits to better use? BECAUSE IT WON'T MAKE US HAPPY INSTANTLY! Plain and simple, that is really what women are after these days. Instant, undying happiness. Unfortunatly, we women have allowed the act of making a child become a mockery of happiness and power.

    I reinforce that not all women are this way. And they might or might not be the happiest in their lives that they could be. Although, I can almost guarentee that when they sit to tell their great-grandsons to respect women and treat them as equals, those boys won't look at them and think, "Yeah, says the woman who is 55 and was in Girls Gone Wild."

    Thank you for you time and patience with my ranting.

  15. 1. Traditionalist

    2. No

    3. Female

    Yes I think feminist are more open about s*x.

  16. 1. feminist

    2. protected s*x b/f marriage; unprotected after marriage

    3. woman

    I agree with Sigy. You shouldn't have to be wedded under some traditional ceremony to do it. It should be done when it's the right time.

  17. Yes because most most women who are feminists are more open minded in general than most women who call themselves traditionalist.

    Feminist, s*x is whenever you feel right about it, and female.

    Edit: thank you Ms Unique   :)

  18. 1) s*x-positive feminist

    2) Yes

    3) Female

    I think it depends on what type of feminist you're talking about. Some of those radical feminists we hear in the media come off as prudish, but the s*x-positive ones are open about it.

  19. I'm not a feminist because I don't give a ****.

    I don't care if you have s*x before marriage.  Just be's really simple.

    I'm female.

  20. No, I do not believe feminist women are more sexually open.  I think the vast majority of women living in the 21st century are owning their sexuality and not making any apologies for it.    

    1. Niether

    2. Yes

    3. Female

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