
Do you think fish is vegetarian?

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What makes you think fish is vegetarian? Is it a vegetable?




  1. "Vegetarian" comes from "vegetables".

    The word meat is also used by the meat packing and butchering industry in a more restrictive sense - the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, etc.) raised and butchered for human consumption, to the exclusion of fish, poultry, and eggs. Eggs and seafood are rarely referred to as meat even though they consist of animal tissue.

    Therefore some people might think it is ok to eat fish for vegetarians.

    But: Fishes are no vegetables. So for sure they are not vegetarian!

  2. Only veg I've ever seen with eyes is a spud. Maybe fish falls into the tuber category then?

    Only joking, but I don't think anyone who ever went to school or read a book ever thought fish was a vegetable. Some people who eat only fish but no other meat call themselves vegetarians because it's easier to say that than to explain 'well yeah, I'm a sort of vegetarian but I eat fish'  to which the reply will inevitably be a confrontational one such as 'how can you possibly be a vegetarian if you eat fish?' etc.............

    Sorry, I'm not awake long and I have a slight hangover (sweet, lovely, tasty, sociable, inhibition killing, alcoholic, liver eating, stomach churning, paranoia inducing, cast of riverdance in my head, beer), but I'm sure you get the general drift here.

  3. Vegetarians don’t eat fish and they never have. Many things have changed since The Vegetarian Society was founded in 1847 but two important definitions haven’t:

    “ VEGETARIAN” – someone who doesn’t eat animals

    “ FISH” – cold-blooded, water-dwelling animal

    Fish may not appear as cute and cuddly as young lambs, however they do feel pain and they do suffer. The fishing industry is responsible for some of the most environmentally damaging practices affecting our seas and oceans today. What’s more eating fish can be bad for your health.

  4. NO

    The idea that fish or seafood was not "Meat" stems from the old rule of no meat on Friday but fish was okay. I was deemed by the Catholic Church that fish was not included in the ban.

    You have to look at sources for our old traditions, that same group ruled animals have no souls, nor black people but overturned the idea that women didn't either. Because at 1 time women were included in the list.

    Now Does God say this any where in his word? Not that I have found.  I don't want to eat anything with a soul, that is a heavy burden to carry.

  5. Hmm. I definitely dont think it is. It is stil a living animal that has to be killed to be eaten. Although people say they're cold blooded and cant feel it, no one has ever taken the place of a fish and found out. xx

  6. No fish are not vegetarian.

    The biological or taxonomic classification of fish is:

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chrordata

    Their Class, SubClass, Order, Family, Genus and Species may vary but they all belong to the the kingdom *ANIMALIA*.

    so fish are animals not plants. vegetarians don't eat animals. it's really quite simple. and yes I agree it does become frustrating.

  7. People probably think that because its not red meat its not meat but the fact is even if you eat an ant your eating meat.

  8. Its not what we think, but what a fish is for real: a living creature! I don't understand your question if a fish is a vegetable... what?

    People who eat fish aren't vegetarians in the real sense, no matter what they think. But it is up to everybody to choose his/her own lifestyle.

  9. People think that due to misinformation that is spread.  For example, on Wikipedia which is written by people like you and I,  someone put the term "pescetarian" in as a type of vegetarian. I signed in and changed it the other day because the information was wrong.

  10. As a vegan I HATE when people say they're veggie and eat fish. Fish is an animal, thus they are not a true vegetarian. A lot of people seem to do it so now a lot of people think that I eat fish, and sometimes even chicken.

    People that only eat fish are called pescetarians.

  11. No its not a vegetable but its not meat x

  12. technically fish is not technically because it is meat, but many vegetarians still eat fish as it is not a red meat.

  13. If a fish eats vegetables only, then yes, it is a vegetarian.

    "I am a vegetarian, I only eat animals that eat grass"

    John Cleese - Monty Python.

  14. no ******* way. fish is alive, and true vegeterians don't eat anything that has a beating heart. it makes me soooooo angry when someone is like 'i'm a veggie, i eat fish'. no **** you're not. or when somenone says that fish, or even poultry are vegeterian.

    if you don't eat meat, but you do eat fish, then you're a pescotarian.

  15. I guess you didn't study biology at school. A fish has a face and is not a vegtable.

  16. No fish is pescatarian.

  17. no, i think that fish is the same as other animals.

    i think that fish are generally, if you buy the right stuff, treated better than meat because they have more freedom if raised up in their natural habitat.

    i think the reason fish is seen as vegatarian is that people who dont eat meat but eat fish call themselves vegatarian, just because its easier and everyone knows what it is. not everyone understands the word pescatarian, and besides, if you tell people you eat fish then they probably think you dont mind too much if you have to eat meat!!

  18. I'm a vegitarian and I do NOT eat fish. I have no clue why people think that fish is vegetarian. Some people claim to be veg but they say that they eat fish. What is up with that.  Fish is an animal that is murdered just like cows,pigs,chickens, ect. There is no difference if it's a fish or a cow. It's a living animal and it can feel pain just as any other animal.If somebody says that they're vegetarian and they eat fish, that's bull, they're pescitarian.

  19. Hello,

    (ANS) Personally I would NOT consider fish to be within the philosophy of vegetarianism. No! fish is NOT vegetarian.

    **The very word vegetarian literally means of  vegetables**

    **However, fish are cold blooded creatures & are thought of as some how lesser beings because of this. But to eat a fish still involves taking its life and so involves killing it before you can eat it. I personally feel uncomfortable with that process and avoid fish.

    **weather you eat fish or not is NOT the point really, what a person chooses to eat is a matter of personal choice and its also a moral choice.


  20. Because its different to meat. Maybe. And its not a land mammal, so sometimes I guess people think its not really an animal.

    I have come across some people like that. I know what you mean. I would say, to sum up, that the think, its not meat, it not vegetable its an inbetween, and so regard it as okay for vegeterians.

  21. Oh god I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE when people act like eating fish isn't the same as eating a pig!

    I get this from both vegs and other people -

    "I'm vegetarian, I only eat fish, it doesn't count."

    "You're vegan? So you only eat fish and vegetables?"

    I don't know where the h**l the idea that fish are any different than any other living thing came from, but it's ridiculous.

    People tend to freak when I say "no meat includes fish". They always ask why.



    a few people seem to have misinterpreted your question, thinking you meant "do fish eat meat or only plants" rather than "is eating fish a vegetarian thing to do". Wait, I interpreted your question right, right? Lol.

  22. If I was a vegetarian I wouldn't eat fish.Fish are killed as inhumanly as any other animal as far as I'm concerned especially line caught fish.I've seen enough foul hooked fish from line fishing.Any other method of fishing depletes stocks.A vegetable is substainable and can be grown and grown till the cows come home.

  23. No, it's definitely a fish.  It has a brain, and internal organs.

  24. Re-edited this question

    Fish are tend to eat plants and placton which is a form of microorganisms that live i the water (Cells with life) normally found around plants etc

    This is why people may say there not vegetarian

    The fish its self forming part of a meal is not a vegetarian meal since it self consumed micro organisms and plantation and we would be consuming the flesh element (meat), making us carnivours

    If people are asking you do you think the fish is a vegetarian, then this is a debatable subject by asking...

    Do you consider micro-organisms to be a violation or vegetarian meals

    I would say no it doesnt and makes the fish a vegetarian since people who are vegetarian will consume yogourt which contains bacteria BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY micro organisms do not have meat on them and since canivorous term derives from the latin word CARNE (and also spanish) which means MEAT then it doesnt make the fish a carnivour unless its a piranah of cause or another fish that eats meat.

    Therefore the fish eating bacteria would still be a vegetarian

    However this may be a trick question

    Since its not just

    Plants -> Micro organisms -> Fish -> Predetors such as sharks

    It can also be other fish such as Piranahs, Salmons so on which are classified as fish

    They of cause eat meat

    I have listed this as an interesting question also provided you wish some diagrams to the fish food chain.

    Easiest way to remember if something is suitable for a vegetarian is...

    Did the food come from a vagatation (plant) if not then its not vegetarian

    If the person is VEGAN then did the source of food have anything to do with another living being such as a milk bein from a cow and Eggs deriving from chickens.

    If so its not suitable for them

    If it contains meat (Red or White) it is still flesh and vegetarians will not eat it

    The fish its self to me is a vegetarian is at the begining of the food chain, it is those that eat the fish (other fish or aqautic species) or humans or other animals that are carnivourous

    and I do not classify eating micro-organisms as it being a carniviours fish but on the same note bare in mind what type of fish they might be talking about since Piranahs are carnivorous

    Hope that answers your quetsion had to re-edit it due to your question started off being very vague

    Ive included some diagrams of the fish food chain for you

    Other Replies you had...

    If it growns in a garden naturally then its vegetarian!

    No not strickly speaking you can eat sea weed which is grown in the sea shore and under water.

    Some people get confused with read meat vs white meat!

    It is still meat the word carnivour or carnivorous derives from the latin (and also spanish word) carne, meaning meat

    Anything that contains meat in it in a diet would make them carnivourous not a vegetarian. Vegeratian derives from the word Vegetation and vegetables which is plants

    Anything that has a face!

    Not strickly speaking a worm has a face, a snail (which is a delicasy in france so i hear) has a face but neither contain meat.

  25. People who eat fish are not vegetarians! They are selective carnivores.

  26. Well, those goldfish crackers are vegetarian.. Other than that, I dont see how something that was once a living breathing animal could be considered a vegetarian dish.

  27. Fish is NOT vegetarian, it is an animal. I am always confused by people who say they are vegetarians and then eat fish, the way i see it people like that just don't like meat they are not vegetarian!

  28. Fish are not vegetarians; they will eat dead fish.

    If a person is a vegetarian, they will not eat fish.

  29. A person who eats fish is NOT a vegetarian, because fish is a flesh food!

  30. Fish is not, and has never been vegetarian. It had to be trapped and tortured and cut before you could eat it. Humans should not have to go that far to get food on the table. It's obviously not a vegetable. Fish have feelings like all other animals. Plants aren't as closely related to humans as animals, and they;re healthier than meat ever was. People who don't believe this just don't know how to prepare a meatless dish with all the necessary ingredients.

  31. Until fish grown out of the ground and photosynthesize, they will remain un-vegetables

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