
Do you think flirting is disrespectful to your wife or husband?

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i think it is and heres why, the thin line between its just fun, and taking it to the next level is far to small!!!

if flirting never takes place then the chance that the line is crossed never even becomes a issue!




  1. i do kind of find it disrespectful.

    i don't flirt with other guys and i

    don't want my husband flirting with

    other girls that would make me feel

    like he has more interest in them than


  2. sometimes flirting and friendliness are confused

  3. To a man it's essential and mostly involuntary. We need to assure ourselves that we still have a spot among the tribe's warriors, that we haven't become so old or unattractive no one wants us. These women here claiming they don't flirt are deceiving themselves. They flirt by the way they dress or sit or carry themselves.  

  4. i flirt all the time

    i don't see a problem with it

    we're all human

  5. Flirting is disrespectful to a spouse. Why give someone other than your loved one your attention. No one deserves your attention more than the person you made a commitment to.  The receiver may get the wrong idea and think they are better than your spouse and become aggressively flirtatious, why open that door?  

  6. The only person I flirt with is my husband. It's really fun when we're out at gatherings and flirt across the room ;)

  7. I agree with you....

    Especially when it comes to men flirting because alot of women take it as "Oh, he LIKES me" and then it can turn into a big old boiling pot of drama...

    Been there, done that!

  8. Not really it depends what kind of flirtation it is.  My bf is a nice flirt and always has to talk to the check out people and make them laugh.  Its just him.  It doesn't bother me.  He has even called waitresses sweetie.  Again I know this is his personality all together.  Now if he is flirting to get somewhere than yes it is.  Just deoends how he does it sweetie you shouldn't get mad if you go home with him every night.

  9. I think it is very disrespectful to your other. There has to be respect in a relationship. The only person I flirt with is my man!

  10. Uhhh...what's the point in coming close to the line?

    It's hurtful.

    If you have a husband or wife, WHY would you want to even show interest in anyone else, or give them the wrong impression?

  11. I think it is wrong to flirt when u have a boy friend/ girl friend. someone gets hurt or jealous. I don't like it done to me.

  12. flirting is disrespectful, because when your married, your spouse is the only one u should be paying attention to, flirting is the forerunner of affairs, it all begins with some playful flirting, but if one is loyal to their spouse they won't even flirt.

  13. I think its alright to flirt a little...........otherwise life just gets sooo boring

  14. agreed.

  15. I don't like flirting but I'm also kind of a b*tch so I prefer to be left alone where men are concerned.  My ex was very flirtatious & it made me sick.  He just came off as a dog foaming at the mouth.  I was embarrassed to be his girlfriend hence the reason I'm no longer his girlfriend.

  16. Yes i do.

    Its very disrespectful for a husband or wife to be flirting.

  17. I think that flirting is disrepectful especially when it is done in front of your spouse....

  18. I think that you should just read the answers from the first time you asked.

    It's not a big deal, if she's acting on it then you can worry, if not then just be glad that you have a wife that is HUMAN:)

    It will be okay Scott, just let it go:)

  19. As long as I don't see it then I am ok with my husband flirting.  If he does it right in front of my face then that is just plain disrespectful.  Nothing wrong with a little flirting if it isn't getting out of hand with sexual innuendos.

  20. I think it is very much so.  But I'm a little weird.  I am not like most guys - i don't look at girls and flirt or lust over them.  I am afraid of getting a lawsuit handed to me of sexual haarassment b/c I live here in America and it seems like people are suing now these days for anything!  Not only that, but I don't think a woman should be objectified and looked that way.  I am not Muslim, but know my Muslim friends feel the same way and can't look at a girl and flirt b/c it is against their religion.

    But if you do get married, and you do flirt, then why get married in the first place...unless you are flirting with your wife!

  21. yes its obvious. If 1 wnts 2 flirt wth somebody else's sister or wife thn he also shud be ready that sum1 flirts with his soulmates

  22. flirting with anyone other than your spouse is disrespectful. anyone who says its ok is probably not someone you can trust...

  23. I do find it disrespectful in a way. I dont flirt, Im friendly and such but dont see that as flirting. My husband I feel is a big flirt although he dont believe it and he says he doesnt do it in front of me but I see it and if I am right there then I can laugh it off as long as it isnt like overtly sexual or whatever. Now he has said that he has been flirty while talking online and that I dont like because I believe that online you can very easily take things too far online. Its way easier to get out of hand while online....

  24. thats bad.. be faithful to ur spouse.. evryone!! and it wud really hurt a woman esp when she sees her husband or BF for that matter flirting... guys, i duno how u wud feel seeing ur wife flirt, but at least try and understand women. :)

  25. i think flirting without the touchy feely thing is semi ok... i fi saw my man smiling and chatting w/ another woman while i was in the bathroom, id walk up and wrap my arms around him and ask who his friend was.. however, if she had her hand on his knee, id watch for a minute as he pushed it off (cause i know he would) and then, walk up behind him, put my arms around him and give her a "ha ha he's mine!!" look! we're secure in our relationship... i, as a bartender, can get away with makin men smile and not cross the line to leading them on!

    the best is when we go out, and say things like, "honey, are you sure your wife/husband isnt gonna come in here tonight?" totally jokingly, but  it sure makes people look.... lol

  26. I don't need that much control.

    We live in an area where flirting is just that - everybody does it and most people take it no further.

    I flirt and so does the ole man.  I figure, if he needs to go further, I don't need him, so he can keep moving.  It tells me there's still a spark in the old plugs!

  27. It's one thing to joke around and have a laugh with somebody, a whole OTHER to flirt.

    Flirting is explicitly sexual (my dictionary says "to behave amorously without serious intent"). Consider it a kind of foreplay.

    If you're married, the only person you should be thinking amorously about is your spouse!

    A good "rule" is: anything you'd be uncomfortable doing in front of your partner and anything you wouldn't want your partner to be doing -- should be avoided.

    Be careful: sometimes "just" being pleasant and conversational can be misinterpreted as flirting or more.

  28. I agree in a perfect world the only problem is most people are natural flirts it's part of being human.

  29. anyone who says that they DON'T flirt are liars and here's why... whether the line is thin or not... tell me that women don't flirt with the check out boys, baggers, bankers, cashiers, bartenders, sales people etc... and tell me that men don't do the same.  just because people flirt (DAILY I MIGHT ADD) doesn't mean that you will cheat.  flirting is as casual as your bright smile showing your dimple batting the eyelashes...and 1/2 of us (myself included) flirt with out even knowing we are doing it.  i personally flirt with EVERYONE men and women included...

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