
Do you think footballers should be paid as much as they do?

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Do you think footballers should be paid as much as they do?





  2. It is an utter scandal that some of these players are making much more in a year than most men earn in their working life of maybe forty years or more.

    This is particularly so, when you think that all they are doing is kicking a ball about a field.

    However, I'm sure it can't last for a lot longer.  These ridiculous payments are bleeding the game dry.

    The interesting thing to me, is why supporters pay out such large sums of money to watch them play, particularly when more than half these top players nowadays, are foreigners.

    How you can call a team 'your team' when probably eighty percent of them are a hotch-potch from all over the world, I really can't imagine.

  3. No def not. I accept they are great sportsmen but what about firemen and paramedics etc? David Beckham (as cute as he is) will be of no use to me if i were trapped upside down in my car in a freezing lake. Still, it's nothing new, gladiators were treated and respected just as much as our modern day footies!

  4. Personally, I think they should be paid PER-GAME, PER-PLAY. If their in  the final line up, pay them so much for apperance and tryin, and a bonus if they actually make an impact on the team and final result. For the players that dont get their game due to injury, then set a standard injury rate of pay. I know its not always players fault when out injured, but the money they get for doing sweet F.A is unbelieveable.

    anyone else agree with me?

  5. Do to the state of our national game  it is all going to change because supporters are beginning to realise they are being conned.

  6. no, i dont think they should. football has been glamourised way too much!

  7. Definitely NO; They're overpaid

  8. Most definately not.  Think of all the starving children in the world.  Could some of this money not go to them who deserve it.

  9. No I think it`s a ridiculous amount some of them get....

  10. Yes I do think they should be paid so much, they devote there lives to football, they train constantly and eat perfectly, it's difficult. I'm sure the last thing Steven Gerrard wants to do on a saturday morning is get up at about 6 AM, eat some porridge and go out in the cold kicking a ball around and running up some track.

  11. Yes, with these provisions:

    Their pay should be performance based. Play well and win:get your full wage. Lose (but play well): half-pay. Lose and play badly : the National Minimum Wage is £5.52 an hour for people aged 22 and over, £4.60 an hour for people aged 18-21.

    That will soon incentivise them

  12. do you think the business men charge so much to pay there wages or because they can.

  13. of course, how else can they afford all those ferraris and porsches the rolex watches, all that property, yachts, jewellery if it werent for our footballers our economy would be in a right state,

  14. no, it turns them into money hungry pigs who end up not caring about the actual playing of the football but the £££'s instead.

  15. well guys.i play pro ball.for cincy bengals.the fans actually pay us.the cost of the admission ticket.the concessoins.bonusus.its not a a factory.we buy our insurance.until we get ready to retire.we got a heap of taxes to pay.sure theres a lot of money thats blown.we also contribute a lot of money to the march of dime.salvation army.i personally go to a lot of childrens hospital.and make donations.all in all  it all works out for the best.well ya all have a great day.c.j

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