
Do you think freckles are pretty?

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I have alot of freckles. I don't know if they're pretty. Does anyone think freckles are cute, or pretty?




  1. I think that they can be very pretty. I hate when people say they are "cute." I am covered in freckles (I barely tan unfortunately) and I do not want to be cute! I am not a small child. I want to be pretty and beautiful!

    It really depends on the person.

  2. they look adorable!

    i wish i had them when i was a kid :)

  3. yes.

    they are very pretty.

  4. yes


  5. i think freckles are beautiful. major turn on for me =]

  6. sweet heart, it really depends on the person. on here, one person will say yes and another will say no not at all. go with what you think :] and feel confident with what you've got that is more attractive than anything

  7. they're cute at a minimal amount, but if it ridiculously covers every inch of your arms or face it looks bad.

  8. Cute, but depends on the person.

  9. It depends on what you look like

  10. i dont know about other guys but i think freckles on girls are hot. specially if they are red heads. super hot.

  11. i think they are only cute on girls. i bet yours are GORGEOUS! good luck :)

  12. i think theyre cute!!

    i like them a lot.

  13. Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

  14. I have freckles too, although they don't stand out much, thankfully.  Anyway, freckles can be cute and they can be absurdly hideous.  It depends on the individual.

  15. i don't think their that pretty

  16. My opinion I don't like a lot of freckles but a little is cute, but I prefer none.

  17. there ugly to tell you the truth

  18. i have freckles on my face =)

    everyone tells me they're cute.


    i love mine.

  19. they are super cute,

    unless they are red

    and all over your arms and everywhere..ew

    they are  cute on cheeks and nose heh

  20. tehre very cute in my opnion

  21. they are super cute

    they give off that girl next door type of look

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