
Do you think freion from cars is damaging the earth in a BIG way?

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Do you think freion from cars is damaging the earth in a BIG way?




  1. We have phased out most of the cars that had it.

    But we have still a much more important agent destroying the Ozone layer.. elemental chlorine.

    We use chlorine to burn up contaminants, and in particular bacteria, in our water supplies, in pools etc. It accomplishes its task and leaves chlorinated hydrocarbons in the water. But if we smell a chlorine odor when we open the tap, that ia residual chlorine escaping into the atmosphere.

    Cities can not change their chlorination equipment for ozone equipment for central distribution. Ozone has to be added at the home because ozone has no residual to protect the water in the pipes under ground. But we can protect the ozone layer by using ozonators in each home instead of using central chlorinators.

  2. As other answers have said very well, freon was not a problem before and is not a problem now.

    Freon was banned before anything was known about the ozone hole.

    Lots of people are being harmed for a problem that never existed.  The same thing now is happening with global warming.

    The hole in the ozone over Antarctica was 1st reported in 1985.  How many 1000’s of years it has been there, nobody knows.  It opens and closes every year with the seasons and has not changed significantly in size from 1997 till now.  The entire topic of ozone depletion is a guess at what might account for the presence of the hole.  So in reality, nothing has changed; man had nothing to do with the ozone hole in the 1st place.  Did I mention we have no idea how long it has been there?

  3. Freon has not been used in the US for two decades.

    What is damaging is lies, about what is damaging.

    We stopped, the rest of the world laughed and bought it all up,  Now we pay 20 times the cost for a less usable product, they still use it.  so who is the dummy now?

  4. No.

    Freon is no longer being used as a refrigerant for any current domestic uses even though it was completely safe and was never a threat to the environment.

    The facts about its safety were completely ignored and did not stop it from being banned however.

    People do not understand that the refrigeration cycle is a completely closed system.

    Once charged with the refrigerant(typically a few grams), the refrigerant is contained within that unit.

    The only time that there is a loss of refrigerant is when a leak occurs and it is usually damage caused by improper scraping of the evaporator in a freezer compartment while defrosting, or mishandling during relocation to another site.

    When a leak does occur, the unit fails to function and even if the leak is found and in an accessible location to facilitate repair, the cost of repair would generally be as much or more than a new unit.

    What IS dangerous is the general public's willingness to be swindled by the organizations and politicians who claim to be scientists, or even understand any basic science.

    If more people understood some basic science, and were less gullible, they would easily see what a 'Rip Off' and damaging deceptive hoax this whole issue is all about!

  5. In the 1990s, most uses of Freon were phased out due to the negative effects that chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons have on the Earth's ozone layer.

  6. yes it is ,freon is one of the most dangerous gas which damages ozone layer. And cause ozone hole

  7. i wouldn't say its the biggest concern but for example classic cars use to have a freon type a/c system but its been phased out just recently (a few years) so there is still a lot of cars driving around with freon a/c and then theres ice cream trucks and fishing boats (to keep their fish fresh until they get to market) and a million other things we use freon for yes its damaging no its not as common and in a few years almost all freon will be phased out so i don't think its gonna be a major concern in the future

  8. Yes, because that thing will surround the Earth's surface. You know what, water from oceans and seas absorb chemicals from atmosphere? There are many chemicals in the atmosphere that cause air pollution, acid rain and water pollution. That causes Global warming...heat from the sun is crossing the Earth and leaving it. But now sun's heat is trapped by chemicals surrounding the earth leaving the earth hot.

  9. Freon was phased out years ago after it was allegedly damaging the ozone layer.  After millions were spent on retrofitting cars for the new refrigerant, NASA found that freon was not doing anything to the environment, but people paid up to $500.00 to retrofit their cars' air conditioning units for nothing.

    And so it always happens, someone, based on emotion or junk science, superstition or incomplete information starts shouting out how bad something is, then everybody goes crazy and panics, we get all freaked out and riled up then do something.

    Only to find out, once again we've been lied to.  And so it goes with global warming and carbon taxes.

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