
Do you think funniest home videos should ban?

by  |  earlier

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the videos where babies get hurt in obviously dangerous situations




  1. Yes. What's so funny about anyone getting hurt?!

  2. Oh my god, yes. Would you like a beer with that, Mr. Simpson?

  3. such stuff yes..

  4. no because there so funny i mean who would even think about banning it.... man  

  5. don't think u could ban it ,ignoring it would work.

    really dangerous situations should be reported ,not laughed at.

  6. noooooo, coz some of the videos really crack me up!!

  7. If children are in danger,Yes.

  8. And it's weird when they actually make the finals.

  9. yeah its pretty sad :(

  10. ????????????????? not sure  

  11. No , that's what life's about!

  12. Then that isn't a funny video; its crude and sardonic.  

  13. Big Brother is always watching.

  14. I think that anything you don't want your own child to go through should be banned from this show.  If it causes your loved ones pain.......why would you or anyone laugh at the same situation inflicting pain on someone else's loved one???

  15. No. Babies do those things.

  16. Yes omg while the rest of my family is laughing I am usually watching in horror. I really don't see anything funny about people getting hurt. And encouraging children to laugh at such accidents is a terrible thing to do

  17. Not just Babies but everyone,some of the videos look like the victims are in some awful pain

  18. What? That's the best part.

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