
Do you think gas prices will ever go down? Or do you think it will go up forever until no one can afford it?

by Guest44551  |  earlier

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Do you think gas prices will ever go down? Or do you think it will go up forever until no one can afford it?




  1. Don't let Banks have your money to play Oil Stocks.Keep a bare minimum in checking,savings,and pay bills as late as you can.This will stop the banks from making oil rise.

  2. its not going down till bush is out of office :]

  3. it will keep going up and come down some on its way up

  4. Don't know if this helps you or not but they do say that by summer it will be even higher.

  5. Now, the price is around $4.15.

    By summer $5 or more.

    With everything on the increase, it's hard to say what the future will hold........................

    Meanwhile I'm just working for gas.

  6. Price goes up to a point where people consume less or adjust to other energy sources...which drives the price back down.

    If a valid alternative energy source ever emerges...the price will plummet

  7. It will keep going up and the rich will be able to drive cars, and the poor will have to live close to work or commute.

    I'm going to buy a horse and ride him to work, and if you want to hang on, that's cool, but you have to help pitch in a few bucks for the straw.

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