
Do you think gas prices will go down?

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when we get a new president, or will they stay the same?

or is it possible that companies will raise your pay so you can afford to get to and from work

i know my grandpa works like about an hour away from home and his job is giving all the employees $100 extra a month for "gas"

doesn't have to be used for that but thats what its for.

what do you think?




  1. Gas prices will never go down no matter what the pols do.

    Even if the West all have electric cars China and India are emerging as industrialized countries and it is their demand for oil that is driving the prices up.

  2. Contrary to what you may think, the president has little to do with the price of gas (and no I am not defending that idiot). The real changes will come in congress and the committees that control regulations prohibiting off shore drilling and other alternate sources of oil. Remember, the USA consumes about 30% or so of the worlds oil but only produces about 2%. Sadly we are now paying (and quite litteraly I might add) for our arogance. Most other countries have been paying ridiculous prices for over three decades which has forced them to develope efficient public transit systems and VERY efficient automobiles. All the while we were developing gas guzzling Suv's and the like. Who likes their Hummer now?

  3. Gas prices will not likely go down for any reason except a loss of demand. Which means that alternative fuel sources need to be available before they do.

    The demand for fuel is increasing, especially with the development of countries such as India and China. Those countries are using fuel at an increasing rate so demand for fuel continues to rise.

  4. sorry but you will never see a low price again not like you once did anyways four bucks is where it will be til they raise it again... here gas is 435 or more

  5. Eventually, I think it will go down. A new president is probably going to be vital in getting prices down, as Bush hasn't done anything to back up his word with the gas prices.

    In all honesty though, I don't understand why everyone is still complaining. Sure, the prices suck. Sure, it's tough right now. However, gas is an essential part of every day life, whether you're going to work or college (like myself). In the end, no matter what the price is, people will pay it. Why? Simple; gas is simply too big of a necessity to say 'y'know what? I won't buy gasoline anymore'.

    So in the end, it's all down to the new President and Congress.

  6. The high gas prices have been pushed up by demand for petrol and oil by emerging economies such as India and China. These two countries did not need to buy so much petrol in the past but since their economies have started to boom the demand has increased, mainly due to more people owning cars. Until OPEC (the main oil producing countries), increase output to meet demand you are unlikely to see prices fall. OPEC are due to have a meeting later this month to discuss increasing output. However when you think about it, why should they want to increase output? If they did then the price of a barrel of oil would fall and they would make less money! At the moment they a laughing all the way to the bank!

  7. I Don't Think The Gas Prices Would Ever Go Down To A Lower Price Than Today. I Heard It's Supposed To Go Up To 8.00$? But The Presidents Have nothing To Do With The Gas Tho. I Think That If The Gas Prices Do Go Up To Where We All Can't Afford, Then Were Probably Just Going To Use Whatever We Can To Make Gas, But The Thing Is Why It's Not So bad Is Because If You Look At The Past When Gas Was 20 Cents Or Whatever And You Got Payed 1.50$ An Hour And Now Gas Is About Around 4.00$ And You Get Payed About 30$ An Hour For Jobs, I Think We Can Handle It, Even Tho It Is A Bit Ridiculous.

  8. It seems like the candidates for presidential election are trying to do something about the gas but they can't since they're not president yet, but Bush also said he was going to do all this stuff that he never did. I think & hope that our future president of America will do something about it. If you read the latest headlines on the news and stuff, McCain has been trying to set something up for the future.

  9. I doubt it.  I think the price of gas will probably level off, but it won't be any time soon.

  10. I'd be tickled pink if it stayed at $4. In San Francisco it's up to $4.75, it's $4.00 here in AZ. I was planning to drive to San Francisco next week but just bought a plane ticket instead. It would have cost more to drive at these prices.

    We won't see any significant, long term reduction in gas prices until usage drops. Sad but true. The price will go down when we no longer care. Alternative fuel is our only salvation and until big business gets on that band wagon we're screwed.

    The government can help, not by telling the oil companies what they can charge but by getting behind one alternative fuel. We HAVe to focus on one alternative, no one is going to run out and buy a car that uses an alternative fuel that may never be readily available.

    Bio diesel seems to be most practical, if the government would work on making bio deisel readily available and offering incentives that will permit people to purchase diesel vehicles we'd see gas prices split in half.  We'd all win, those of us who can not afford to run out and buy a deisel engine vehicle will win with lower gasoline prices. Do you know that a diesel engine can run on either bio or petroleum based diesel?  I can't believe how many people don't.

  11. Once we get to the oil mines in the USA it should drop 30-60$ a barrel.

  12. The president cannot do anything about the gas prices unless he gets permission from congress. The Democrats that are running congress won't do anything to help the people. It is just not in them. They are politicians and they make new laws for the people to obey.

    If congress wanted the price of gas to come down, they would make a law forcing the vendors to charge less or go out of business. When they go out of business, the government will step in and start running things. Just what we need, more government.

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