
Do you think gas will ever get up to 10 dollars a gallon?

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Do you think gas will ever get up to 10 dollars a gallon?




  1. no one likes the bearer-of-awful-news but...(start sharpening those pitch forks because) gas will definitly hit $20 somewhere on earth someday. Possibly in our lifetime. Some parts of the earth are already seeing gas at $11 a gallon. So as much as us americans complain about gas prices, go take a nice relaxing vacation to France, relaxing until you pay for gas. oil is a process of dead remains that takes millions of years to happen. so i guess we are running out of dead things to use to run our engines. Sorry:-(

  2. Yes by Nov. 2009, you can 100% Bank on it just as much as the same huge People who told us June 11 2007 Oil will hit over  $ 100.00  a barrel by 2008.  

    Those same People who are huge in a Top Worldwide Oil Company told us that by Nov. 2009 in the USA Gasoline will be over $ 10.00 per gallon.  Yes you can Bank on it because their whole family goes back all the way to Standard Oil & Getty Oil.  Think about it Oil over $ 100 a barrel when they told us that in June 2007 we all laughed, but not laughing anymore.  ( Insiders Info from OPEC )

  3. lets hope not!

  4. Yeah I'm thinking in in a couple of years.  If the Middle East flames you will see $10.00 plus.

  5. It is over $11.00/gal. in Germany and $7.00 in the UK right now.

  6. It's already that much or more in Europe where gas is sold by the liter. Get used to it, time to start walking, taking public transportation, get a bike, scooter or motercycle.

  7. Its possible because they have already proven 3-4 years ago that they can do what hey please and we will be slaves no matter what.

  8. I thnk so. i think it will get to about $20.00 a gallon. I'm serious. However, I'm not an economist and I dont' anything of substance to base that on other than a gut feeling.

    On the other hand, I live in Manhattan and dont' own a car. It just sucks because jet fuel will go up too, thus higher airfare for when I visit my family in California or go on vacation to the Carribbean.

  9. The gas prices will not get to pricy for awhile because some new law or something and new gas mines, but they eventually will.

  10. I just saw on the news form my area that there is speculation that gas prices will reach $7-$10 in as little as 2-3 years.

  11. Probably not in our lifetime.

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