
Do you think gas will ever go down?

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Do you think gas will ever go down?




  1. Prices will drop in the fall, like they always do.

    If summer prices reach $5.00/gallon we may only see a drop to $3.95 in October.

  2. i think they will keep going upand up and up.... and then eventually drop to like $5...a gallon and people will be happy.. they only way to get around this is for everyone to stop driving all over... we need to come together and walk take the bus.. something besides driving no one is dong anything about the prices ya we complane about them being too high yet still drive...!!!

  3. Not in the near future, but eventually they will, as electric vehicles become more mainstream.

  4. .No way will that happen.

  5. No, I really don't see them ever going down. I think you will see it stay at $5.00 a gallon.

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