
Do you think g*y marriage should be legal?

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I challenge you to make an unbiased decision not based on your faith (That not everyone follows...) or personal demons towards homosexuals. Claiming it is "unnatural" is moot too because homosexual tendencies can be observed in many, MANY other species, particularly when the population of a species becomes too dense (One theory is that it is a mechanism to keep population down).

Thinking it is "disgusting" is just your own view. I might happen to think puppies are disgusting, but should I push that view on everyone and say they shouldn't own a puppy just because I don't like them? No, I'll just stay clear of puppies.




  1. I say it should be legal, and it shouldn't have been a big issue either. Just because the big-n-fancy officials aren't for it, doesn't mean they should take that right away from their people.

    Another reason people are against stuff like this is because of bible teachings. I've heard the phrase, 'God made Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve.' But really, did god also intend on terrorist and pedophiles? Apparently, today's society didn't turn out the way god intended it to be. Just because you believe in something, doesn't mean you have to push your beliefs on other people.

  2. Of course, everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in this country.

    For the poster who stated that there was no g*y animals, get an education, there are g**s throughout the animal kingdome, including Dogs - Cats - Horses - Bulls ....... etc ....etc

  3. Yes.  Two people who want to be together should be allowed to have all the benefits of a married couple.

  4. i think if you love someone enough then yes. it should.

  5. From a religious stand point, I have an issue with g*y marriage.  From a political stand point, we have no right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot marry.

    I do not want to live in a theocracy.  In this country, there is clear separation between church and state affairs.  Marriage is a state affair.

  6. Sure why not...Marriage is a church thing..if they can find a church to marry why not. The only govt involvement is a marriage license which is a tax. We do not need the govt making moral decisions for us.

  7. Definitely g*y marriage should be legal. They should have the same rights as any couple. I just do not see the big deal at all. I live in a town where half the population is g*y. Just went to a beautiful wedding last week. The girls were beautiful and very happy.  

  8. yes

  9. dude,there no g**s in the animal kingdom except for humans.the only reason a species breeds and lives is to propagate and strengthen that species.that is the natural order in nature.the weak and abnormal in the natural order are killed by disease or by predators in the food,what is the point of g*y marriage if it does not propagate the species by bearing children from the union......

  10. I might be a little biased because I have a g*y son. I would love to see him and his partner be able to have a legal marriage with all the benefits of a married couple.

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