
Do you think g*y marriages will be legal in all states within next 10 years the way the world is going?

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California just got added.




  1. Good to hear! And mMaybe. Let's hope for the best!!^^

  2. I highly doubt it. Where I live (Michigan), there is a constitutional ban on any form of g*y union (Liberal state, my a.s.s!) Because it's constitutionalized, it's going to be very hard to get it repealed, but it has to happen soon. I give it 25 years.

  3. I do not believe that it will be legal in all the states in the next twenty years. Not unless the Federal Government or the Supreme Court take action.  

  4. No, I don't think it will be legal in all states in the next ten years.  But in order to facilitate acceptance then New York is going to have to legalize it.  Then other states will fall into line.  But expecting this in ten years is kind of doubtful.  I would say 20 years would be more realistic.

    I think the ban against g**s in our armed forces will be eliminated within the next five years.

  5. 10 years.

    that's tough.

    There are so many states that have constitionalized discrimination, that I will be a bit tougher now to remove that.  Its easier to get recognition when its not constitionally prevented.  The first step is to show the world will not end becuase I am getting married in 2 months to my parnter of 14 years.

  6. I think they might

  7. Yes, it will be soon. I'm so excited.  

  8. ahhhh...  we can only hope so, ma'am!

  9. No I do not. Especially in the Southern parts of America, no. Middle East? HELLLLL no. Africa? Yeah right. Some parts of Europe, I do believe they'll catch not.

  10. Nope. I cannot imagine some of the central and southern states legalizing them at all! Thats why i am glad to live in canada!

  11. I am a g*y man.  Marriage according to the bible is a union between a man and a woman, it used to be for life, now marriages are disposable and family life is disintegrating.

    Personally I don't agree with g*y marriage, a family consists of a farther, a mother and some children.

    I do not see a point in legalising g*y marriages, a better system would be to let g*y, L*****n and heterosexual couples who live together have exactly the same rights as married couples.

  12. An older generation opposed to homosexuality is dying off, leaving a younger generation that is much more open to the idea, and better educated as to sexual orientation.

    While I am glad about that, and feel good about the likelihood of widespread acceptance and legal protection for same-s*x relationships over the next generation, I think expecting such seismic change (g*y marriage in all states) in only ten years is a tad bit over-optimistic.

    Expanding the legal protections guaranteed to g*y and L*****n people is something to continue to work and fight for.

  13. unfortunately, no. i don't think ten years is a plausible goal. as it stands, there isn't even an effective hate crime statute that protects the LGBT community. when the government isn't even showing concern about protecting our community from violent crimes, workplace discrimination, etcetera, i don't see how we could hope for the right to get married in ten years.

    but just keep speaking out! if we all keep speaking out, things will change! =)

  14. I'd like to say so but I have some reserves about the southern states.

  15. i hope so but doubt it

    especially some of the southern states

  16. I REALLY hope.  

  17. Hmm, California, Massachusetts and the rest of the civilized world. I believe that the U.S. is being closed minded due to the lies that organized religion makes other people believe. The only reason that the Bible tells us to have s*x between a man and a woman is to procreate; but everyone knows that having s*x with a person that we enjoy being with is just plain fun regardless of which s*x the other person is.

  18. I hope so : )

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