
Do you think g*y men are more demanding about physical appearance?

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I mean, in straight relationships, it seems that women are not too demanding about men's physical appearance.

But, g*y men care too much about it.

What do you think?




  1. In most cases yes.  Men are competitive, and when you get two men together there has to be some sort of competition.  You have to look your best because someone better looking will always come along.  Most g*y men are obsessed with working out, I am...but am in no way buff.  Look at the avatars of the men who frequently answer LGBT questions and you will see many guys flexing and topless in their avatars...and garnering lots of comments from other yahoo answerers.  So, g*y men's appearance even affects Yahoo Answers.

  2. yes, definitely.

    They dwell on their physical appearance more because homosexual men are more feminine than heterosexual men.

  3. But in straight relationships, YOU KNOW that the guy want's the big boobed model type.

    I think all men look for a certail type of physical attractivness or whats attractive to them on the outside, but at the same time sometimes they find out what they are looking for isn't really what they wan't, and I think that comes with maturity.

  4. I think there's all types. I'm not particularly concerned about how I look, and I'm the type who can get up and be ready to go out the door in 15 minutes or less. There's been days when I never even look in the mirror. On the other hand my ex took hours to get ready, and he couldn't pass a mirror without checking his hair or clothes. He wasn't vain, just concerned about his appearance.

  5. Some are some aren't.

    My ex certainly was obsessed by looks and was always chasing the so called perfect bodied g*y man. Why I put up with it for 8 months is beyond me. (I'm average looking and in shape but not exactly muscular)

    My current partner isn't. He's more  the personality and sense of humour type. Been together  close to 4 years now and civil partners for 9 months.

  6. Fussier--but so long as it's a few steriods shy of obsession, I don't think there's anything wrong with that.  We could all use a little g*y if that's the case!

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