
Do you think g*y men have had a harder time than women over the centuries, in recent modern times and today?

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Have g*y men been more discriminated against than women?




  1. Depending on the time and place, yes. IF it was known that the person was g*y. To be a woman, in many cultures in the past, and today, meant to be marginalized, overlooked, and treated as a thing. To be an openly g*y man was down right dangerous.Only the women that bucked the status quo would have been subjected to the kinds of persecution as g*y men.

  2. Yes, without a doubt. I can get married in all 50 states, and walk down the street in just about any town without having to worry about getting the tar beat out of me just for existing. I can also openly love the person I'm with, and not get judged negatively for it. I can go on if you really want me to, but I think you get the idea.

    Edit: A couple people have said that g*y men only have it harder if they make it known that they're g*y. But if you have to hide who you are to gain acceptance, doesn't that automatically mean you have it harder?

  3. idk but g**s in general get prob more discimination than anybody. but at least g*y men get more recognition and support than g*y women. i mean, u type in lipstick L*****n on google and all u get is p**n sites 4men!

  4. Yes.

  5. If people knew they were g*y...yes.  But typically it has been very hush hush in over the past few hundred years.  There have been cultures who were openly accepting of homosexuality but most were very unaccepting.

  6. You know when I was hearing my favorite radio station  Z100 they were saying if a women kissed another women does that make her g*y? And all the men said no and all the women said yes. When asked if a man kisses a man, all the men replied yes, as so with the women. And all the women were asking what is the difference because they kissed the same gender making them g*y, Why the men and not the women. There was no answer.

    So I think people are more harsh to g*y men then women. I personally don't care I know a g*y guy and he is exciting to hang out with.

  7. Definatly.

    Even in the bible!

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