
Do you think g*y people have it harder in the closet then bi people?

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Do you think g*y people have it harder in the closet then bi people?




  1. i think its hard for both...if your bi, your parents will never give up the hope that you'll find [the opposite s*x] and start a family.

    but i think that maybe g*y people are a tad bit more accepted by society, because alot alot alot of people don't believe in liking both sexes. they believe that you like females or males, not both.

  2. idk.i say a bit hard but is hard for us too. i mean S**t i was depressed and just miserable.

  3. i think there will ALWAYS be exceptions, but for the most part yes i think closeted homosexuals have it harder.

  4. i think the skeletons in my closet have it the toughest

  5. Yeah.  If you're bi, your parents at least have some hope that you'll find the "right" person (read:  a person of the OPPOSITE gender) with whom you can start a family.  If you're g*y, you can't really get your partner pregnant.

  6. I don't think g*y people have it more harder in the closet than bisexual people. I think feminine male homosexuals have it harder than those who are masculine because they can't blend in with the social norms.  

  7. so many puns...brain overload...

  8. I'm pretty sure that the closet is pretty bad for both g*y people as well as bisexuals, every persons experience will be different for some it will be h**l and for others maybe a little comforting. I was out of the closet to everyone but my parents for many years, it was easy I didn't live in the same town so it didn't effect my day to day life, therefore not all that bad.


  9. Yes because if you're bi you like both sexes and thats an excuse you can use if someone rejects the fact that you are.

  10. yes they do have it harder than homosexuals

    because bisexual is more acceptable than g*y by peers and being bi is becoming a trend among people

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