
Do you think girls sometimes make assumptions about a guy because of his height?

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Okay, okay, let me preface my comments by clarifying I am SHORT. I'm just a tad under 5'7, so if you want to tease, go ahead. Doesn't bother me :P But this is an honest observation that I'd like to get your thoughts on.

Guys generally get a bad rap for being shallow, superficial pig-dogs who are always gawking at the "s**y" girls, etc, and how they dismiss girls that don't have the perfect body. And for the most part, it's true. I don't act that way, but I'm in college and the vast majority of fellow college guys do.

But what I've noticed is that girls can be just as "shallow" when it comes to something in a guy: height. Guys that are short are not as attractive as tall guys. Girls say they are more attracted to tall guys because they provide a "sense of security". They say it's their "preference". They also say that they aren't attracted to short guys because short guys "have a complex" and a need to compensate for their small stature.

Now, are girls REALLY sure of these things, or do they just ASSUME that these things are true?

I'm asking because I'm a short guy who is the most peace-loving guy I know. I'm 20 and I've never even been in a fistfight. I don't go around acting tough to make up for being small. I know I'm small, and I embrace it instead of trying to make up for it.

Also, if I had a girlfriend, I would definitely fight for her if I had to, and I'd do everything in my power to make sure she was in a safe situation. Just because I'm short doesn't increase the chance of danger, does it? It's not like I'd run away and not help her...that's just an unfair assumption some girls make...

As for the preference, I can understand. Guys have preferences, too. But I think if you look for perfection in people, you'll be alone forever.

If guys should be more accepting and make fewer assumptions about girls for their body, etc...shouldn't the same be said about girls when it comes to how tall/short a guy is? Short guys need love too. Thoughts?

Thanks for your thoughts :) Have a great one!




  1. Ive found most guys are really picky with girls.. Pickier than most girls i know. At my high school (which im a senior this year) they look for girls around 5'2-5'6 range with bleach blonde hair and orange skin. Kindof reminds me of an orange barbie lol.. But yeah thats just me :]

    Okay well you talk about girls you know not liking short guys. What makes you think every girl thinks your short? If they stated that you are short, You think maybe that girls standards a bit too high? What is the quality of these girls you are attracted to? .. Haha oh boy..

    In my preference I like a guy who is taller than me. Not overly tall but not close to my height either. I'm 5 feet and i really recommend you give the shorter girls a chance. Haha i happen to find guys in your height range tall. Not every girl looks for a basketball player sized boyfriend lol.

    Short girls need some love too. And every girl loves attention no doubt.. It is the kindof guys that gawk and overdo the attention (especially if the girl isn't attracted to him) that girls dismiss...

    Another thing.. Don't say your short. Your not short. I like the ranges of  5'6-5'9 Its just right. Your fine. Be happy with yourself. Don't over analyze like i do. You haven't spoken to every girl on this earth so don't be generalizing. :):)

    Just as long as you have good hygiene, keep yourself looking decent, work out, get yourself more confidence... I think you'll find a girl in no time. goodluck

  2. yes some do .. but you don't need one there are plenty of girls who would love you because you are you ..dont waste youre life worrying over things like this ... like mister rogers said bro.. you are special just the way you are

    and i mean that  

  3. Ofcourse. People make assumptions from all kinds of different physical attributes whether about skin color, tone of voice, way one dresses, etc. Why would it be any different with girls judging a guy by his height?

  4. actaully i don't even like really tall guys ....i'm  5'6 1/2 so you would defintely be okay...

    height doesn't matter to me much ..most of the guys are a least my height or ....yeah ^_^

    don't worry about that ...

    there are Hot Short guys too ^_^

  5. What I've noticed with girls is that a lot of them don't want someone tall, they just want someone taller than them and there are a lot of short girls that would think your height is perfect.

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