
Do you think giving a child 40 dollars to buy food is to much? Read first please!

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Every 2 weeks or so when I go food shopping, I take 40 dollars out of my food budget to give to my son to pick out foods,with my approval, that he likes. He's 7. He uses half of it to plan dinner for one night. When we went food shopping last week he choose chicken Quesadilla's. And the other half he buys stuff he likes to eat for lunch and a snack or two. My mother went food shopping with us last week and she really doesnt like this concept. She says its "spoiling" him and its teaching him that money can just be wasted with no consequences. I dont see it that way. I think it teaches him the value of money and how to budget. He doesnt go around the store just picking up stuff like most kids do, now he looks at the prices and makes an informed decision on whether its worth buying or not. What do you think?




  1. well you have a very good point it is teaching something but sooner or later he is going to think your going to give him moneey all the time even when he isnt grocery shoppping so you are doing something right and wrong

  2. 40 dollars sounds just fine!

  3. Great idea teaches them about managing money

  4. Wow that is a good idea!

  5. Fantastic!  As long as you are monitoring some of the choices he makes and discussing things such as price, nutrition etc. with him then I think this is a great learning experience.  Way to go mom!

  6. What a great idea! I think it's teaching him budgeting, responsibility, and good values. I love it!

  7. I think it's an excellent concept-so long as he's using half of it for a night's dinner, it's not spoiling him at all.

  8. for a 7 year old definately

  9. Buy him snacks he wants once and a while but I don't think you need to allot 40 dollars every two weeks specifically for him to spend, especially since he's only 7. Maybe it would be a better idea to teach him about budgetting when he's a little bit older.

  10. Thats really stupid, hes only a 7 years old, and your mother is absolutely right, u are spoiling him

    At this age, he shouldnt have to be thining about budgeting.  Try it when hes older, maybe 11 or 12

  11. i like how you do that. thats a good idea. teaches them money only goes so far.

  12. Sounds okay, as long as he doesn't get too many treats, and buys decent food too!

  13. enough for me

  14. Wow....will you be my mommy???? I think that is an excellent idea!!!!! If my parents did that for me when I was a kid I probly would have grasped the concept of money alot better at a earlier age. Great job Mom!!!

  15. yeah that it is

    if your trying to teach him about money and stuff then give him alot less

    i would give him 10$ only cuz  hes still young

  16. I think it's a good educational experience for him. And it seems to be working!

  17. no i think its a good idea , its teaching him about food and good health and it is budgeting because he has his limited amount for the week. i bet he has loads of fun too , its a good way of teaching independance and doing this will teach him for when he is older and lives alone , he will know how to plan meals.

  18. I think you're doing a great thing.

    What you might try doing is changing the amount once in a while.  Really teach him about budgeting.  Perhaps you could make up a little story for him, like: the cost to repair his bike's flat tire cut into his food budget this week or something like that so that he realizes that sometimes in life, you have to adjust how you spend your money.  That might be a little beyond his age...depends on the child.  Some like the challenge, others don't take very well to it.

  19. I think it's a brilliant idea and you should be proud of having such a responsible son.  When my son is old enough, I am totally going to do this!  It shows him where the money goes when you buy things for dinner instead of just the end result of the food being on the table.  I'm really impressed.

  20. i think this is a great decision, matter of fact when my son gets older i will do the same thing.  it does teach him how to budget and look at prices instead of just grabbing whatever looks good... very good idea!!!

  21. I think it's a great idea. You are raising a child who will understand the value of money, and will have learned about food and nutrition.

  22. i think its brilliant! and having him pick out stuff for one nights dinner too! and 40 bucks every 2 weeks is the perfect amount. thats fantastic. your mom is out of her mind.

    the only thing is whether or not he earns the money. does he do chores? still i think its a great idea. Bravo!

  23. I think it's a really good idea! I wish my Mum did that with me then i'de know all about the concept of budget haha :P

    I do think that $40 is a bit too much, I'de take it down to $20 then your son will have to think a bit harder :)

    great idea though!

  24. I don't have kids, but I like this idea! I think you are right, it does teach him the concept of money, and $40 every two weeks doesn't seem like too much. If you feel you are doing the right thing, then keep it up.  

  25. I really like that idea I might do that when I have kids but..... I think $40 is a little much try something like $20 or $15 plus I thing giving him less money will give him brain more of a challenge because he will have to compare the prices a little more and will buy less and you will save a lot of money           hope if you try this it works well   :)

                                                                           Stephanie  S.

  26. $40.00 is not bad, the price of food has gone up so I'm sure he's not getting a lot of food. Plus you are approving what he wants before he buys it. I think it's educational teaching him money sense, that will help him in school even, (math wise).

    I would try it but I have 3 kids!! Maybe $40.00 per kid a week.

    Good idea!!

  27. You're on the right track.  Just make sure he "earns" it in some small way tho'.  That way he'll also learn that you have to work for what you want.  Then you'll also be establishing good work ethics.

  28. I think that a good teaching method. if you don't mind I will like to steal that for my daughter when she's old enough. lol. with the price of food now a days anything less then 40 wouldn't be enough for the week. I think that your mom is just old fashion.  

  29. I don't think its spoiling him at all. As long as he really understands that money doesn't just fall from the sky. Maybe you should go about it a different way and adjust the amount sometimes to let him know that he might not always have the money to spend. Add some chores. Since hes only 7 but make him do simple things. Maybe then your mother will understand.

  30. I think your Mom is way off base. This sounds like a good plan to help him learn -- and there are consequences if he doesnt buy enough to last the week and has no snacks. If he wastes it on foolish items - he is the one who is hurt by it.

  31. I think it is fine. It sounds like he thinks about others while spending it, so how can that be a bad thing. Try telling your mother that it is also a math lesson and give him a piece of paper to keep track of the rounded amounts as he goes. who could argue with that.

    Good luck to you.  

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