
Do you think global warming has something to do with these natural disasters???

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China - Earthquake

Oklahoma- extreme tornadoes

Mnymar- Cyclone

Do you think global warming is the cause and that humans are not taking care of the environment we live in????




  1. No

  2. The truth is everyday 3 new chemicals are introduced into our environment. The truth is no one is looking at the consequences of what the total combined will do.  The truth is 15 % of the population is now sensitized to chemicals which continues to rise.  The truth is we are damaging the air and water we breathe and share. How much of this is affecting our climate, the truth is I do not know.

  3. It is hard to blame a specific events on climate change because the predictions are based on mostly averages.  This means that if you collect data over time you may be able to compare the AVERAGES, but not the specific events.  If you try to blame a specific event, you make what statisticians call an ecological fallacy (extrapolating a population value to an individual).   Lots of skeptics constantly do this trying to say it is cold today so GW can't be real.  This just doesn't work.

    There might be more disasters or maybe just better coverage of them.

  4. Yes, global warming causes everything.  Just ask AL Gore.  Soon we will see volcanoes erupting because of global warming.  We all know that the Iraq war was caused by Global Warming.  If your face breaks out in pimples--its cause is global warming.  There was an accident on I-5...caused by global warming.  I am surprised that criminals to not attribute their crime sprees to global warming. If you get a bad grade in school you can tell your parents it was caused by global warming.

  5. Earthquake? no

    Tornado? almost certainly not

    Cyclone? probably not

    While there is some speculation that as massive glaciers (e.g. Greenland) melt the pressure on underlying faults will change enough to possibly cause an earthquake, no where near enough ice mass has yet melted to do that. And the China earthquake isn't even near any massive glaciers.

    There doesn't appear to be any correlation between tornado frequency and global warming. Again, some speculation has been put forth that it's possible, but we have no data to really support that yet.

    A significant amount of study has been done on a potential connection between global warming and cyclones/hurricanes. While some studies indicate there is a correlation others haven't, so the jury is still out. Still, even if there is some correlation, you can't attribute an individual storm to global warming since storms have always occurred.  You can only detect a possible increase (or decrease) in their frequency or strength.

  6. i dont think so, there have always been natural disasters.

  7. i think it might be partially causing these disasters but maybe it's just an off season

  8. yes because the sea are rising due to ice from ice-burgs that are melting and breaking off because of warming of the sea that is from the sun and other parts of global waring

  9. yes!...

  10. no.

    (Honestly- how on earth could global warming cause an earthquake?)

  11. You do realize that natural disasters have been around since before 20 years ago right?  They're no worse or better than they were then.

  12. its posible that global warming is the cause of the large floods that have been happening but not the earth quake.

  13. Air and water temperatures can affect local weather patterns and/or strength or kind. Since global warming affects both air and water temperature, these warming trends and sharp temperature deviations can contribute to the cause of both extreme tornadoes and to strong cyclones or hurricanes. On the other hand, earthquakes are immediately influenced by tectonic movements and geology - and little if any by weather patterns. Oh, I think that many people care about their (or the) environment but at the same time a good number of human beings do not care about the negative impact their behavior and life-style has on the global environment.

  14. It depends on if you listen to the truth or the Global Warming Alarmists.

    They will tell you that we will all die in a huge fiery flood! LOL

    The truth about Global Warming (or lack thereof) is out there, you just have to dig a little deeper to find it.

    In short, absolutely not!

    Global Climate Change is based on Solar cycles.

  15. Ken gets an A++++++ for today's lesson. Thank you Ken I could not have said it any better!

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