
Do you think global warming is natural or caused by us.?

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Do you think global warming is natural or caused by us.?




  1. Both, but mostly us. No matter how you look at it, a 30 straight year warming period is not "natural." The sun only goes through 11 year cycles, and most of the other variables (i.e. volcanic activity; sulfates) are easily measured and accounted for and none seem to be at anomalously high levels; we can conclude the sun nor any of those variables are the cause. The one variable that we do know is out of whack for sure are the CO2 levels, and not coincidentally the co2 anomaly is almost perfectly correlative to the temperature anomaly.

  2. I think that there is a natural trend for weather to warm then cool, like a pendulum. However I believe that the current global warming is primarily due to man and the emissions and effects of a fossil fuel derived energy system along with other pollution that is created by our modern society.

    Regardless of the naysayers, there is too much empirical data and too many notable scientists to intelligently disagree.

  3. It's the natural sun cycle. The last ten tears has been an over-all cooling that is also natural.

  4. The polar cap on Mars is also shrinking..Is it being caused by us?..or is it natural?..The theory that humans are causing climate change is arrogant.

  5. I agree with birdog.  Global warming and cooling has occurred forever and always will.  The planet has changed it's mean temperature many times and this time is no different.  There is nothing that man can do, in any way, that can affect climate.  Not even burning all fossil fuels on earth would really matter.  We don't have any capacity to affect climate or change it, so donating money or charging carbon taxes is a waste or a tax grab.

    Whatever you believe or practice is inconsequential.  It will not affect the climate.  It's purely a natural phenomenon.

  6. As natural as the sunrise. I'm so sick of these environmentalists excluding man from nature, that everything we do is so unnatural. Think about it, they oppose themselves.

  7. Duh! It is caused by us! Homo sapiens sapiens the most destructive and intelligent beings on earth! It is not natural. Did the world ever have a great heating period ever according to research and evidence? Nope. It had ice agaes but no, warming. CO2, N2O and CH4 are the top 3 greenhouse gases. Water vapor follows and then O3 and then CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons). All of these have increased in the past century and there is a great correlation between CO2 emmisions, industrialization and the global warming of Earth. There is consensus amongst scientists that global warming is real and here and caused by us. t is only in the US (emmitters of about 25% of carbon dioxide) that dont have a "consensus" and that will not sign the Kyoto Protocol.

    PS: Dear naysayers: Tired of environmentalists? Oh I see. The ones that saved your butts from lead poisoning by passing the Montreal Protocol (banned leaded gasoline) and the ones that phased out arsenic (most of it) from the popular green wallpaint or the asbestos in linoleum or the aerosols in sprays. You may not think we've gone far but we've already figured out and are successfully solving the global ozone depletion problem (you know, the stratospheric ozone halogens and CFCs are destroying--the layer that protects and saves you from 95% of UV rays). You must be very out of touch with the present day environmental news. This is the reason we still have the global warming problem. Because not many are quite aware of it.

  8. global warming is caused by people all around the world even you me and every body you and me emmit or let in the air co2 lever which is carbon dioxide cars can cause this even spray cans which they can destroy the ozone layer and cause global warming , it is like covering the earth with a big fat glass which heat can enter and not scape thats what global warming is and its caused by humans

  9. I think a little bit of both. I think that the Earth definitely naturally cools and warms, but the warming now has been made extremely hazardous and extreme by humans.

  10. It is caused by the lie of Gore.

  11. Most of the scientific community does.  Some are still working on getting better estimates of the proportion caused by human activity and the proportion caused by natural variation, but most scientist agree human activity has a great influence.  

    But why do you ask if you refuse to read scientific literature and review scientific evidence?  Are you just going to spew more misleading c**p?

  12. Both.

  13. Undetermined.  As of today, I have yet to see X's Law of Atmospheric CO2 Doubling.  Values for this constant range from .6'C to 6'C.  Get a dart board, and label the values from .6 to 6, put on a blindfold and fling the forcing dart.

  14. Humans are contributing such high levels of CO2 into the atmosphere than mother nature can no longer cope. We are putting billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year and yet some think we can continue to do this without it having any effect on the climate?

    Global warming and cooling has always occurred but NOT at the speed we are now experiencing.

  15. caused by humans

  16. Caused by us! We all like to drive our cars. I think many of us are in denial.

  17. LOL Both why? Rising temperatures and tornadoes, Hurricanes are natural events. The earth goes through different phases in its live there are Colder times and Hot times like the one that is happening right now. CO2 does not contribute to Global Warning at all if anything it gives our green friends more food and helps them grow faster. The rise of hot temperatures may contribute again a phase that the earth is going through or increasing solar activity.

    However we Humans do have caused an impact to the environment to say that we haven't is a total lie. We contribute highly to Air, water, and Soil pollution as well Deforestation, resource depletion, over consumption and the destruction of Natural Habitats.

  18. I say caused by us.

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