
Do you think global warming is phrased wrong?

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I think it should be called global changing

because some hot places are getting hotter

and cold places are getting colder

and thats that




  1. yes your right but maybe also call it MANS GLOBAL SREWUP with all the toxins and pollutants we are putting into the environment global warming is our least concern

  2. yes

  3. i prefer "global climate change" but global warming is correct because overall the tempurature is going up. some places are getting colder because of monster storms and such that are caused by how f*cked up the planet it...but overall its getting warmer

  4. but in general the earth is warming. the cold places you are referring to are actual getting warmer, the Arctic circle has warmed Even though it is a cold place.

  5. no i don't

    more heat is being trapped - more heat tends to increase temperature - which is exactly what we are seeing - an increase in global temperature.

    if some places are getting colder - there should be more places getting hotter.

  6. yes and no

    since we are in a interglacial period of a ice age and have been off and on for 3 million years.

    it should be called global rewarming.

    i give it that name because for over 95% of the last 65 million years the temperatures have been higher then they are now by 5 to 10 degrees.

    this is why the global warming people like to use ice cores to show that we are warming.

    what it does not show is 95% of the last 65 million years that there was little to no ice.

    calling it global warming makes it sound like it never has been warmer.

    or that it is not natural.

    when we have been in a deep cold period for only a short time if you count the whole Cenozoic Period (ie age of mammals)

  7. yeah i agree

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