
Do you think global warming is scary?

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  1. Yes, very scary. Most people I know do not believe it is real, some of which are often found right here. I think the next President will have huge problems trying to get people to fight Global Warming.

    Of course, in most countries most people have not even heard of Global Warming.¨

    In California, the best that I´ve seen is Carbon Trading, which means that instead of releasing less CO2, they pay somebody else to do it.

    I know officials with over $100,000 per year who will do nothing about Global Warming until they are ordered by their boss who probably also thinks it is all a joke.

    The fact is that it does not matter where the CO2 is released, when it is in the atmophere, the entire world warms up.


    So, not enough will be done and GW will accelerate and I will get to read about the 1,500 Million in Central Asia that will starve for lack of rains or die of thirst for lack of drinking water.

    Fortunately, we are producing more giant Boeing C-17s cargo planes to fly water over there, tractors to build earth dams and channels, etc.

    Even California, with a Governor that leads the nation on the fight against Global Warming, is not even planning to build the three dams the Government asked.

  2. No, It has been warmer many times in the past.

    Life seems to have flourished during the warmer periods.

    I think this current warming spell is over because of a change in energy output from the sun and we are starting to enter a fairly long cooling trend. I worry more about the cold, I'm not trying to be funny I really do.

  3. yes because the plants will die which is the main source of food for humans

  4. No, fanatics that worship it as part of a cult are.....

    Ever see that movie "Wag The Dog"?

    (COMMEN SENCE????)  Can anyone spell here?????

    Yea, that movie da day ater yesterday or whutever is designed to SCARE THE c**p OUT OF YOU BASED ON JUNK SCIENCE AND TOTALLY WRONG DATA!!!!

    If enough people believe a lie, then that lie becomes "commen sence."  ROTFLMAO


    LIbtards can't make up their minds

  5. Yes, the perception of man-made global warming and the lack of skepticism it has enjoyed  is very scary.

  6. I don't understand people's arguments about global warming at all. People say that we COULD be causing global warming, and that IF WE ARE maybe we can stop it.

    What about if this warming is just a natural cycle. Then shouldn't we NOT stop it? I mean, then we are going against nature, just like we would be by 'emitting too much CO2'.

    There are two sides to every story, step back, read what you wrote, and think about if scientists were trying to prove it was a natural cycle rather than human-caused.

  7. Yeah, I feel so sorry for all the animals that humans are going to kill if we don't stop jumping in our Hummers and SUV's just to go half a mile. Also, we're all gunna' die too.

  8. No, GW isn't 'scary'. But the people who promote it are!

  9. No, it doesn't scare me.  I don't like it, but I'm not afraid of it.  It could be scary for people living in coastal regions who's houses will be flooded or people in the regions that will drought, though.  I guess my reason I'm not scared is it won't affect Michigan very much probably, which is where I live.

  10. Quite, but not as scary as many people's reluctance to accept it as a threat. It is very real, just because it is happening slowly doesn't mean it isn't happening. And just because the Earth goes through natural warming periods doesn't mean that this is one of them. Besides, even if it was natural, lots of people would die. The warming period that ended the Ice Age was natural, and it caused a mass extinction. When was the last time you saw a living Wooly Rhino?

    It's actually nice to think that the current warming is our fault, because it means that we might be able to stop it.

  11. Global warming and global cooling are equally scary.

    The three main things im worried about for the future are:

    - Nuclear warefare

    - Climate change

    - Disease (particularly bird flu)

    Each has the ability to wipe out a vast array of people.

    Our world is fragile as it is. One of the major affects of climate change will be its influence on water supplies and, more importantly, food supplies.

  12. Yes, I do.  It's scary how fast it's coming and how it will affect parts of the world.  Not me as much, but Anartica and Africa especially.

  13. Yes, i do believe that global warming is scary, because so many people don't realize this but if we dont do anything about it we will destroy many different species of animals and we will eventually kill ourselves! Have you ever seen the movie " The Day After Tomorrow"? I know that this is a lot more extreme but it was designed to tell you to watch out for global warming.


  14. Nope.

    The true science says that it is the Sun that is causing most of the recent warming that we have been hearing about.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is only accountable for less than 5% of greenhouse gases and we only make about 5% of that. (About 90-95% of Greenhouse Gases is Water Vapor)

    The reason for increased CO2 is because as the oceans become heated, they cannot hold as much as they could if they were cooler, so the oceans release the excess into the atmosphere. From what I hear, the oceans can hold many times more energy and heat then the air. This meaning that the atmosphere should have very little effect on the oceans and that the sun or perhaps the Earth itself is heating up the surface since that is those are two of the only things that could heat our vast oceans.

    Also, the Earth hasn’t warmed in nearly a decade but has actually fallen and it has fallen greatly within the past 2 years. Many scientists believe we are about to go through another little ice age.

    Many scientists are skeptical about Anthropogenic Global Warming.

    These are some resources:

    Al Gore had a chart in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that showed the similarities of Carbon Dioxide and temperature. The thing that he doesn't tell you is that there is a gap in which the temperature rises before the CO2 which should be the exact opposite if his theory is correct. Watch “The Great Global Warming Swindle”

    Polar bears are NOT being endangered but actually the exact opposite.

    That is my point of view on the issue and I strongly encourage you to watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" ( all the way through even if you don't want to. It is a great source of information and if you want to know the truth, you need to see both sides of the story.

    Another great resource is

  15. all the movies are great

  16. No - Reasonable people know man cannot change the climate.  The Sun is gives Earth all the warmth on this planet.

    These "The Earth is Going to End" scare tactics come up every 3 - 5 years.  In time people will be looking back, reading the headlines of the day and wonder how we could be so stupid.

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