
Do you think global warming is wrong???do try to stop it???you should...?

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Do you think global warming is wrong???do try to stop it???you should...?




  1. Yes, I think it's wrong. Global warming is because of us. So, we're basically killing our self. I don't think anybody want to die. And, yes I do try to stop it. I sometimes walk instead of using the car. My family also plants trees. People should think more about global warming than anything else. Because, we might die because of our own fault. Plus, people think global warming means its suppose to be getting hotter, but no its not. It's when hot weather is in places that isn't suppose to be there, like Antarctica.

  2. untimely exstinction of species does not sound right especially if it includes us

    global warming i dont think can be stopped but we can stop helping it becoming faster,this requires global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen,

    At least not untill we are all in the middle of planetary disastres and it becomes a battle for the survival of humanity every where.

    these are Al gores sites


    if you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes

    reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,powerplants etc.

    the capture of carbon and the production of water and assist the aquiferous manta.

    the world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia

    Waterharvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

    the protection of existing forrests.

    stop building more highways,urban planning to include vegetation stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

    education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

    education on environmental awareness

    education on family planning to curb over´populaion

    Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals or sustainability and soil management.

    more environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks

    ,more dams.regulations and control for public behaviour

    alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine

    recicling wastes,limit water use

    here are a 100 more ways

  3. The scientists need to determine if global warming exists by scientist measure and tests - not a consensus of opinion but by hard data.  Once upon a time,  the consensus was that the earth was the center of the universe.

    Why did the last ice age end?  Must have been global warming, and from what?

    Are there earth natural cycles that people don't understand or happen at such long intervals that we can't measure?

    What caused the warming cycle documented during the Middle Ages?

    Lets collect the facts and make decisions on scientific data, not some politicians rants.

  4. NO.It is 100% true and the warming is being felt

  5. We cannot stop it--it is inevitable.  We can, however, slow it down.

    Global warming is occurring.  The conclusion reached by the majority of the world's independent scientists not in the pay as schills for the energy industry is that man's activities are 80 to 90% responsible.  Warming due to natural causes accounts for 10 to 20% of the present rise.

    So many people have such a vested interest in continuing to contribute (or accelerate) the rise in greenhouse gas that it may not be worth making any effort.  One of the good things is that within half a century we might expect earth's population to plummet to only two billion.  The reason such vast death and human misery will be a bonus is that it will leave that much more in the way of resources for the survivors to consume.

    I know I plan to make a big collection of polished human skulls.  They should be cheap and plentiful, and big bleached stacks of them will make a lovely garden fence, as well as nesting places for small birds.

  6. NOOOOO!!!! Don't give up. Keep trying to change it. Scientists predict that we still have 10 years before it is irreversible. Ride your bike, anything!!!! If not, you're being selfish. You're not the only one who will suffer. An example: Those countries in the east that depend on fish for thier economy and food. If we don't stop global warming, then the ocean temperature will rise and those fish will start to die within the next 30 years.

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