According to several scientists, they say that if the incredible fast rate of melting polar ice continues due to global warming, a-lot of fresh water will decrease the salinity of the oceans and stop ocean currents which regualte temps. in a-lot of the world's places, the temps will plummit and the newly uncovered arctic ocean and melted ice from antarctica will start to be absorbed by the dry cold air of the arctic and antarctic regions, that air will eventually travel to inland areas of countries as cold fronts dropping huge amounts of snow, which will reflect too much solar radiation back into space and make the earth temperatures crash down to record lows, the snow and ice will be too much too melt in the summer and it will turn into glaciers that will grow with each cold and longer coming winters. This i read in an online article called " an ice age from global warming" and i would like to know other peoples opinion, i personaly agree and find it making sence.