
Do you think global warming will cause more damage than just?

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warming, do you believe it will cause floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and all other major catastrophes, why or why not. Im not interested in hearing from those that dont believe in global warming, because you are wrong.




  1. its ALREADY happening!

    why? : because its already happening :]

    just google global warming in google you will find TONS of catastrophs that have been happening..

    but i just moved to illinois and the people that lived here all their live said that there's not really any tornados and there was one IN the city a week or so ago.

  2. Yeah!! first the ice in North pole gonna melt. Florida, New York, even C.A and some countries near the sea could be under the water forever.

  3. Primarily it will cause the ice caps to melt which will cool the ocean water which will chill the atmosphere which will cause a drop in temperature that will spread southward from the North and Northerly from the South. After a couple or more chilly winters things will start freezing up again. Snow will fall. Lots will fall over the new icecap in the North and on the Continent of Antarctica in the South. Eventually the ice will return and new ice age will start.

  4. I think it will, and it already is, but I also agree with my science teacher, the Earth has been warming up and cooling down forever, so technically it's not a so-called 'global warming'.  But yes, as it gets warmer, it makes ice melt, which in some places causes floods, and which in turn causes climate changes at the poles and arctics, etc., which kills species of animals (polar bears are on the near-endangered species list).  It has also caused earthquakes, which has caused mudslides and all that other c**p, and I think every year the temp. gets a little bit warmer, cuz it seems like there are more storms and the storms get more intense.  I do agree and disagree with the 'global warming' statement, although like I said earlier, the Earth has been warming and cooling for ages.

  5. Well global warming will cause loss of land indefinably because of the excess melting water of icebergs,glaciers etc. However lately there have been alot of natural disaster this cold be because of global warming or the earth could just be going through a natural climate change like the ice age, but i do believe that global warming is a contributing factor.

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