
Do you think global warming would end the world?

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Do you think global warming would end the world?




  1. No we humans are very adaptable

  2. yes i think tht if we continue we will all die and the earth will eventually fade away...

  3. no.... i believe that it will be the cause of a lot of death but not the end.  Some places its actully getting colder than usual, and others its getting hotter soo...

  4. No grasshopper

  5. yes one day. That or a disease of some sort.

  6. It'll change it wastly, and rid itself of the ignorant beings who helped bring it's demise about. Maybe that's a good thing. Hopefully some of the ones worthy of our precious earth can once again inhabit it. Sorry for sounding trite, but I'm so tired of all the ignorance and tired of preaching that I think it's time for people to start actually educating themselves on the most important thing we have. All too many people out there running their mouths out there with virtually no education or factual knowledge to back their statements..Those people will get what they're begging for. In the end evrybody gets what they deserve. I believe in carma.

  7. We may see increased desertification, deserts increasing in extent, major crop failures and famine as a result of prolonged droughts in former breadbaskets of the world.

    We may see major loss of cropland and crops as a result of flooding and excessive rainfall. Those circumstances might bring us war as peoples do not allow themselves to starve to respect national boundaries.

    Global warming of course is a precursor for a new ice age. The deep glacier formation of an ice age requires that the oceans have warmed up enough to create that massive snowfall sustained.

    Neither global warming nor another ice age is likely to of itself destroy all life on earth, or humanity. But the peoples who live north of the 40th parallel may have to go live with someone south of 40. This forced migration could provoke war.

    Much of the bad that can come from major climate changes, may in reality be visited by man on man, as much as by any necessary hardship.

    Eventually, however, I doubt we will avoid having another ice age. What we might accomplish is to delay its onset by a millennium or so.

  8. No because it isn't warming anymore.... It's begun to cool...


    it's called overhype...

  10. No. Just make things a lot worse and uncomfortable.

  11. I used this answer on another post but I think it is also applicable to this question:

    I try to keep an open mind on the global warming debate even though I actually voted for Gore. I do not like to jump on the bandwagon without thinking it though myself.

    I cannot say that global warming is an established fact. That is contrary to the scientific method. Before the global warming theory took off there were a majority of scientist who believed that the earth was going through global cooling. There was even a plan to darken polar caps with coal dust to try and have the earth absorb more sunlight. But my point is that theories accepted by the majority change.

    So I do not deny the possibility that humans may be causing a global warming. Either we are or we are not. The next step I would say is to determine if global warming is a bad thing or a good thing. Everything has it's good points and bad.

    So lets talk about global warming if it is true. What are some of the bad things that can happen.

    Ice caps melting

    Coastal flooding

    Polar bear extiction

    Northern wildlife and plant life migrating further north

    Ok, what are some of the good things:

    Earth warms and CO2 levels approach levels not seen since the Jurrasic age.

    Plants love the extra CO2 and sun energy

    More rainfall

    Deserts such the Sahara change to rain forest

    Plants and animals thrive and also grow bigger in physical size

    Humans produce more crops for food and biofuels

    More land opens up for both animal and man to populate (Antartica)

    Earth can sustain larger population as humans pass 10 billion in the near future.

    Ok it seems that for global warming the good outweighs the bad.

    So like I said I do not deny that humans are causing a global warming I'm just saying that if we are then it could be a really good thing and if we are not then we should consider trying to make global warming happen. It might be our only way to delay the eventual breaking point where earth becomes so overcrowded and mass starvation becomes the norm. The worst possible thing that could happen to the earth is global cooling. That will speed us up to that breaking point where we don't have enough food and energy resources.

  12. If it didn't end it it would be a version of the movie Water World and man kind would eventually die off.

  13. yes, if human continue their bad habit.

    Map: Global Warming Effects

    Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

    Lifestyle changes can curb climate change

    The Stop Global Warming calculator shows you how much carbon dioxide you can prevent from being released into the atmosphere and how much money you can save by making some small changes in your daily life. It’s our hope that the calculator will promote action, awareness and empowerment by showing you that one person can make a difference and help stop global warming.

  14. Check out the movie "Day after Tomorrow" and then you tell me.

  15. No, it will not end the world it will only cause the coastal oceans to flood.

  16. let me tell you, the earth would wipe us and all traces of us from the face of this planet without thinking. no, global warming will not end the world, nuclear war will. the earth warming is normal, stop the hysteria, it will only make al gore rich.

  17. No,mankind will see to that long before global warming has a Chance to make any impact.Since its not proven fact but proven theory if you can even call it that.

  18. Warming could only enhance life and the added HEAVIER CO2 would increase plant growth to support far larger populations.

    The Alarmists have never proven that the Heavier CO2 molecules even exist in higher atmospheres to 'reflect heat' back to earth. CO2 will sink into cool oceans and soil - not move up into atmospheres.

    We have far more to fear from going into an ice age because of a 'Solar Minimum'.  The population of earth could easily be halved with less food, diseases caused by people staying indoors and freezing to death.  

    People who wish to be informed will read this - the rest will remain in their 'religion'.

  19. Not a chance. The Earth was much warmer than it is now and for most of the past 500 million years.

  20. If we keep on polluting our only home, Mother Earth will eventually be exposed at SO much pollution. And our ozone layer will disappear completely! It will not END the world but it will most certainly make it hotter, causing more floods. Technically, our Earth would eventually become completely filled with water. (For example, Florida would disappear completely.

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