
Do you think going to job crop would be best in the situation {long detail]?

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Ive been depressed this year. My reputation at school went down the drain , i last over 30 plus pounds, and gained a weak rep at school. Am 15 , dealing with a drug addicted mom, who is not the perfect role model for me.

peopel have seen my waekness, i had emotional outbrust, people know about my sucidal attempts, ppl know about the physical fights that happen at home..and i feel that this year, the guiys in my school have used all of this to thier advanatage..Guys in my school start pinching, shoving, grabbing me..and i fight back, but all that comes with that is more hitting from th em.

am scared for my life right now..& worried about this up coming year.

am so sick of being the vitcum..

I just want to run away from everythign..where i live right now is not doing me justice. I feel like i practically have to raise my self.

I need a mother figure..i dont have anyboady else to live with. And i dont even know who my dad is...

I have a older sister, who see everythign that happenign yet, i feel as if she does'nt care.

I been so isolated.., it the only way that i deal with the pain..

my emotions & feelings are all intense.

everywhere i go, am the center of that person that peole think got it bad, and build thier confidence over.

am that girl that peolpe take advantage do freaking sick of the BS, that is happening..i have no support system..

i can't even get a job, because am only 15, turnign 16 in nov.

I dont thihnk ill ever be happy in highschool.

my rep is just bad, ppl think so negative of me, ant hat's bcuz i have'nt stood up for myself..

Am getting thepay next week for my depression.

I use be to such a smart, happy girl, who did'nt care about other thought. I knew whati wanted, did good in school, cared about what i looked like, but lately..i just dont care anymore.

am use to be such a smart 2 year back, but lately i mind is clouded, can't seem to think straight..cant hold conversation, been ioslated for a long time now..

any advice?

my step dad treats me badly also...

at times he calls me outside my name, and has even threaten me at one times or another when mom was'nt there..

i never told my mom about this.

i never have any fun..this is my youth years, and i feel like am 30 sumthing.

am a virgin, anly had one relationship whcih last 2 days..i want love, but i refuse to look for it in all the wrong places..but it so hard fighting the odds..

my school consulaer, teacher

they dont like me ethier based on my rep at school.

in novwmber am thinking about going to job crop..but i dont know how this will affect my life..i feel ike am running away from my problem instead of dealing with it..




  1. First off, I'm really sorry you have to deal with all this at such a young age. I can understand how tough this must be on you. Second, YOU GO GIRL, you have a good head on your shoulders to be able to tell yourself that you are not looking for love in all the wrong places!!!! Give yourself some credit, that's a great decision! Third, I may not have the answers you want or need, ok? I just felt I should share some suggestions. Oh, how I wish I could give you a big HUG!

    So, what about an alternative school. One where it takes you less time to finish school, but you also get a high school diploma? Check with your HS counselor, I know you said he/she doesn't like you, but if that's the truth then for sure she/he will be happy to send you somewhere else. (Although, I'm really hoping your counselor likes you)

    Therapy, this is good. You can talk to someone who can give you perceptive AND sometimes just talking to someone else can make all the difference!!!

    Job Corp, I'm noteally sure what happens there, but if you dodon'tave any support to begin with, then why not! Its not really running away from your problems, its finding an alternative to what is happening. Running away from your problems is drugs, alcohol, s*x and doing nothing with your life.

    I'm sorry if I didn't help out, but know someone is trying and is thinking about you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck,


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