
Do you think golf is a sport???

by Guest55598  |  earlier

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Why do so many people think golf is not a sport. The golf swing is such a explosive movement, you are going from a neutral movement to explosive movement in under 1 second. You basically are holding a 1-3lb club and swinging it from 0-100mph in as little as 2 seconds. Golf also uses your mind probably more than any other sport unless you count chess as a sport. In other sports the ball moves and you react to it. I'm just wanting to know peoples opinions




  1. If they don't think it is a sport they don't know s#it!

  2. I've been playing golf for 20 years, and I've played at the college level, but golf is still a game.

    Yes, golf takes tremendous skill to play, but so does winning an argument with your wife, catering a wedding, or winning a pool tournament.

    sports need both physical expendeture and  direct competition;  my performance must directly affect your performance.  as I do better, you do worse.  In golf, it's you versus the course.  in billards, its you versus the table.  in bowling, it's you versus the pins..etc.

    maybe events like the ryder cup, where teams of golfers compete against each other, is a better example of golf as a sport.

    The Supreme Court essentially ruled that golf was a game when they permitted Casey Martin to ride a cart at PGA events.  They said that walking was not essential to the "game"

  3. yes it is a sport

  4. It is a sport that's why its on espn, but it's one of the more rare sports like water polo and lacrosse.

  5. heck yes its a sport I play it soo much and it requires so much mental and phsical strenght

  6. Yes, I do think golf is a sport and yes I do think anyone who disagrees is a total idiot.

    To start things off, Tiger Woods has made over 1 billion dollars from playing golf.  No other athlete has ever made that much money off of a sport.

    Secondly, golf requires a great deal of physical and mental ability.  You aren't just going out there to hit a ball, over and over, you are trying to out smart and out play your competition.  Does this remind anyone of Basketball?

    Thirdly, golf is physically demanding.  If you have ever seen Tiger Woods, he can bench well over 300lbs.

    To conclude, saying golf is not a sport is like saying Kevin Garnett is white.


  7. Golf is definitely a sport.  Before I started to play seriously, I didn't consider golf too much of a sport.  I had issue with Jack Nicklaus being so high on ESPN's Top 50 athletes when they did that list earlier in the decade.  Once I really got into playing golf, I thought much differently.  Golf requires the same amount of athletic ability as other sports that use items to hit a ball with.  You'd think it be easier to hit a ball that doesn't move, especially coming from sports where the ball moves.  It isn't though.

  8. ummm......NOOOO!!!!... how is hittin a ball towards an area where there is a hole and then getting in a golf cart to cart your lazy *** down there a sport its an activity and a game butt definitely not a sport. baseball football basketball hockey even soccer and lacrosse reaction n skill level is required not coordinating hittin the little white ball towards the hole.

  9. Golf has always been a gentleman's game. Together with Cricket, Polo, Archery, Shooting and even Snooker, it has been played by men with suits and cigars up their mouth.. It's definitely not the kind of definition given for the term sports.

    But if you look at the modern Olympics, lots of uncanny games have been introduced. Such as beach volleyball, Curling and BMX cycling.

    Golf is probably not a sport as you see it. But it is still a competition between men and women. And like any competition, there are prizes to be won. And of course gamesmanship.... And that makes it equal to any sport in the world.

  10. I think it is a sport. It is sometimes on espn so therefore it is a sport.

  11. if you don't think golf is a sport, go out and try to play a 7200 yard course by walking it 4 days in a row and shooting around 70.  by the third day you probably can't get out of bed because you will be so tired.  Have you ever seen professional athletes in other sports try to golf, most are really bad at it....because golf is the second hardest game there is...the only game harder is ice hockey...have you ever tried to shoot a slap shot skating as fast as you can....impossible....

  12. I think golf (as well as bowling and billards) is more of a game of skill than a sport.  My justification for this opinion is that if an older fat man can beat a younger athlectic man, than it is a game of skill.

  13. Of course it is a sport.  Anyone that doesnt think so is just being ignorant or have never played the game at a high enough level to appreciate it.

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