
Do you think government is really helpless in controlling the prize hike of petrol-diesel & other commodities?

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As we all are suffering in our day-today lives with a blow of severe prize inflation, it is obvious to rise such questions in our mind that... inspite of a good production rate of commodities (including vegitables & other edibles) & there are comparitively lower rates of petrol and diesel in our neighboring countries why our government is so helpless to put a check on this prize hike. ?




  1. Lady, if you were to seriously think about it, you would come to the conclusion that all the major issues confronting this county have been caused by government  itself.  We would be better served if Congress, the Senate, and President went on vacation. Every time government tries to help someone they create additional problems. In case you don't it was Congress that required lenders to give loans to people who would not ordinarily qualify at rates and conditions which would cause the person to default while the Congressmen and Senators got sweet heart deals from the very same lenders. Now the very same Congressmen and Senators want to give the lenders a bail out. Sounds about right.

    Just give me one example of when government actually did some good. In case you don't know our government is full of self serving lawyers.........other wish known as bottom dwellers. They make nothing, they don't do a d**n thing except mess things up worse than they already have. And now we have two political candidates offer us more government. Give me a break! They suck! Hold on to your wallet when the Domestics get in we are all going to h**l. If the republicans get in we are going to h**l, but just a little slower. Good luck one and all.

  2. Unless prices are rationalized across the board, the country is going to suffer in the longer run. We surely need to hike the petroleum prices in keeping with the world wide hike in prices. Communists may not be doing a service to the people by not allowing petroleum prices to be raised.

    However we should keep a check on food prices by allowing cheap transportation of the food products, especially the cereals and staple diets. Subsidy should be given on making the system work for the common man and not necessarily be given to the common man. In the garb of common man, it is the rich and communists who actually are benefiting by the prevailing forced subsidies.

  3. The Indian government's policy of appeasing the people by

    subsidising many items heavily just to score brownie points  to win their votes has at long last boomeranged.This time around,if the government had not raised the prices of

    gasoline,the public sector oil companies would have all turned sick.Of course the Left parties contend otherwise

    saying that customs and excise duty on oil imports could still be cut.Yes,they could be cut and the result would be

    disastrous.Funnily when the center suggested that the States themselves provide relief by reducing sales tax and other duties levied by them,everyone agreed but soon found that the shoe started to pinch.The Left ruled West Bengal which is doddering already could not afford to absorb any burden,

    because it has squandered all its resources on its populist programs and is surviving only on the grants from the center.

    So these guys instigated other states to start crying foul and have now asked the center to bear part of the burden.

    None of our neighbours are able to sell gas cheaper than we do.As far as production of commodities are concerned ,it is the middle man who profiteers at the cost of the end users

    viz.the people.Disabuse yourself of the notion that the

    government can effectively hold the prices of petroproducts.

    Price rise on this front is a world phenomenon and has a

    cascading effect on prices of other commodities and


  4. I don't think that the government is entirely "helpless" in controlling the prices...

    If anything I think our government has done more harm than good when it comes to our current economic status.

    Gasoline isn't ridiculously high simply due to supply/demand nor is it due entirely to those trying to drive up the prices- one huge factor in gasoline being unaffordable is due to the fact that the dollar is so weak.

    The value of the American dollar is directly related to the price of gasoline, because the strength of the dollar determines the amount of dollars it takes to purchase one barrel of crude oil... Simple economics!

    I am a conservative through and though, however, I must admit that the "National Stimulous Checks" that all of us are getting in the mail in order to help stimulate the economy will only serve to weaken an already weak dollar.  Which in return will only drive up the price of everything we buy.

  5. Ya Government is really look helpless in controlling the prize hike of petrol-diesel and other commodities. Its not in their hands. Inflation in not the problem alone for India. Its world wide phenomenon.

  6. no

  7. NO, there was an article today that had experts testifying before congress saying that gas prices could be cut in half if the stopped the excessive speculation.

  8. It so seems that government are helpless...but if 1 peep into the reality, 1 will find that politicians are always trying 2 fill up thr pockets from the taxes collected by us.....

    U c each and every item sold or manufactured and even services are highly taxable by both central and local state governments which makes the prices almost or more than double the real prices.....

    So, politicians are to be blamed and they r the dacoits...............%^#%@@

  9. yah, it will not stop and inflation will increase

  10. I think so that governament is not really will depend on the politicians who work for the's politicians will think about their party and party's fund.

                              They think  how to scold the people and to grab the money from them.central gov.t  is not concentrating on that society  cheaters.I think it's just sample information to know about politicians.even we have crores of black money in india.If central gov.t  will  concentrate on it we can control on it .even dubai & other neibhouring states are controlling it "why can't we do it?".

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