
Do you think graduating from college helped you get a good job?

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Do you think graduating from college helped you get a good job?




  1. Yes, specially because all the big companies go to the colleges to pick up employees. The good entry level jobs are all in the career center at your local university.

  2. I think having a college degree is essential now. I have a BA in Mass Comm. and  my husband has 20 years experience in construction. I can get a higher paying job because of the degree. He is temporarily unemployed and Home Depot and Menards won't hire him because they require a BA.  Get a degree if you can!!

  3. Yes but sometimes it needs luck too..

  4. OMG. It's late and my dyslexia has kicked it. I though the question asked if my degree helped me get a "boob" job. lol.

    Anyway, no, and no.

    I think it helped me get more respect from some of the heads, but I could have gotten these jobs without schooling. Probably would not be as good at them, or paid as well, but I definitely would have gotten them.

    Apparently most did not read the question, and here I am worried about MY dyslexia. The question asks if it helped the answerer, not if it WILL help the asker. In my case, it didn't.

  5. yes, depends on what degree.

  6. Yes, it was a pre-requisite for most of the jobs I applied for out of college. A lot of places wouldn't even look at your resume if you didn't have a Bachelor's degree.

  7. yup, it helps you a lot.

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