
Do you think guns should be in Australia too?

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Like in America, there are guns in Kmart!




  1. No we do not need or want the gun culture of America , but some Aussies need guns especially farmers for feral pests. Well run gun clubs are OK but people in the cities who want guns I worry about

  2. ummmmmmmm we DO have guns in Australia ..  

    BUT do we NEED K-mart selling them .. I don't think so ..

    we have NEVER had the gun mentality that the americans have . .and they have NEVER been needed here as they were there ..

    YOU want guns  in K-mart......... MIGRATE to America

  3. School shootings, drive by shootings, domestic shootings, hand guns, semi-automatics and automatic weapons etc in most homes.

    No, I think we can happily do without any of those American pass-times, thanks.

    For those who need them firearms are available here.

    But seriously who "needs" an AK47?

  4. Will you name the K-mart store that sells guns over the counter?

  5. No... do you want Australia to turn into America?

    Guns are a problem.. They are a problem now.. If guns were legal, then there would be more armed crimes..

    There will be school shootings as well.. and mall shootings.. etc..

  6. No way! Australia would become just as crazy as America! We don't want anyone to be able to get hold of guns!

  7. no! Are you serious there are guns sold in Kmart over there? No wonder they have school shootings.

    crazy, that's not how it works, you have evidence right in front of you saying thats not how it works. Why do you think the crime rate in Australia is far lower than in America, the reason can only be because of the accessibility of guns in america.

  8. No, In Australia we actually have rules and over here DICKHEADS cant walk in to a shop and buy a gun so they can walk around in the street and think there good LOSERS!

  9. In a word, no!

    Our country is already so similar to the U.S

    If we allow guns into our society like America, we will have more random shootings. Particularly school shootings!

    I really don't see the point in having guns in places like K-mart.

    If someone really wants to purchase a gun, then they can work hard to get the liscence!

    Thanks for the question =)

  10. When guns are outlawed only the oulaws will have guns and the normal citizen will be unable to protect him or herself.

  11. When the first K-Mart opened in Brisbane, it must have been about 1969, they stocked rifles.  

    Pistols have been closely controlled in Australia for a very long time, though in the 1930s some people did carry them.  Pistols can still be owned by licensed shooters, I used to know someone who had both a large revolver and an automatic.  I have fired a revolver myself a few times and have carried a short barrel revolver in my trouser pocket.  

    Lever and bolt action rifles and shotguns are still available to licensed shooters.  Many farmers own a firearm of some sort.  

    Only semi-automatic and automatic rifles are banned, it's harder to pull a massacre as in Port Arthur or Hoddle Street with a lever or bolt action rifle .

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