
Do you think gycrocopters will lead to flying cars?

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Do you think we'll ever have computerized air control in our lifetime. If so, do you think that will make flying cars a reality?




  1. No.  The cost benefit will never justify it.  The obstacle is economic, not technical.

    the same goes for faster than sound commercial air transport, especially with rising fuel prices,

    EDIT in response to thehumanbeagle

    Mohler has been working on that thing since the sixties, and as far as I know, has never gotten it to work satisfactorily.  It makes a huge amout of noise, uses way too much fuel, and even Chuck Yaeger would have trouble controlling it if the fly by wire failed.

  2. If we can find a way to create anti-gravity - then there may be a chance.

  3. Flying cars are a reality. Below is the link to the manufacturer who hopes that the infrastructure will be in place in the near future. The plan is already in the works and flying cars will fly above other cars currently on Interstate Highways. Still don't believe, here's the proof below......It's called the Skycar.

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