
Do you think gymnastics is easy?

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a couple football player were telling me how easy gymnastics is. what do you think?




  1. No way is it easy. You just have to stick to it and keep going.

  2. its not easy at all you have to work hard in order to learn all the tricks and most of them arent easy at all and think about it, you have floor, bars, vault, tramp, and balance beam. you have to learn all kinds of tricks on those things. do you think its easy doing flips on a balance beam thats only 4 inches wide?

  3. are you kidding me?

    football = putting on helmet and gear and running around with a football big deal

    gymastics = training 6-8 hours a day to be an impossible PERFECT gymnast...  you train your a** off for this knowing that you have less than a 5% chance of going anywhere with it but do it anyways

    ONE girl gets to stand on the first place podium at the olympics, but what about the thousands of other girls who didnt

    it is not an easy sport, physically or mentally.

    ive been a gymnast since i was 3, im 17 thats 14.5 years of training and 8 of those years being hardcore intense training.  8 years i did, between 6,9 hours of gymnastics each day [homeschooled].  i didnt do more than 6 til i was 14

    i would just love to see those football players who said this to even try to do a quarter of the stuff i do in gymnastics, they wouldnt be able to.  im no where near amazing like nastia liukin or shawn johnson.

  4. No way, It's ****** hard!

  5. h**l no. I was in it for 7 years. Its not. Or at least it shouldn't be. They work you hard. And they are very tough.  

  6. NO. I did gymnastics for 3 years when I was age 9 until i was 12. I trained everyday for 3 hrs. and competed. Its anything but easy. Football is easier than gymnastic. Gymnastics is talent. i had the talent everyone kept telling me but i didnt want my whole life to be gymnastics.

    dont worry about what they say. who cares we know its hard.  :D

  7. honestly i think its one of the tougher sports...i play soccer and i know that isn't easy but gymnatics takes a lot of control...u use sooo many muscles in it that its crazy...i mean ya fottball u use both the upper and lower body but i think that more muscles are used in gymnastics...

  8. gymnastics is so not easy. go to the football players and ask them if they can do a backhandspring. that should teach them a lesson

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